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Author: Doggy

Back pain in dogs – how to recognize it!

Back pain in dogs is no exception! If you think that back pain in dogs is an exceptional phenomenon, you are far wrong. Many more ...
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The spine of the dog – you should definitely know!

The spine of the dog How is the spine of the dog actually built? We’re going to take a little trip into anatomy. Anatomy is ...
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7 important things in agility with small dogs

Agility is no longer just a sport for Border Collie & Co. More and more small dogs are also conquering the training grounds. Whether large ...
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These 15 symptoms of herniated disc in dogs you should know!

The main symptoms of herniated disc You should definitely know the symptoms of a herniated disc. Why? Herniated disc is a common disease of the ...
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Everyday exercise vs. exercise training in dogs – these are the differences

Your dog moves every day and yet the question arises: is movement equal to exercise? On your walks, when he plays or stomps through the ...
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The 14 most important symptoms of elbow dysplasia

The main symptoms of elbow dysplasia The symptoms of elbow dysplasia are usually very clear. Nevertheless, I often see quadrupeds in which the disease remains ...
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Dog coat – when it is indispensable & how it helps your dog

A dog coat is no frills Dogs also freeze – that once first of all and benefit from a dog coat. Whether your dog is ...
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Dog paw loops

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] Paw dragging in dogs – a serious symptom In the snow, you can see it particularly well: paw ...
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4 tips for an exciting walk with your old dog

How do walks stay exciting with your old dog? My last few posts have already been all about living with a senior dog. As our ...
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Walking your senior dog – how to move your dog properly

We just can’t stop it. At some point, our beloved four-legged friends get older. And walking with your senior changes, too. Feeling from one day ...
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Pain-free with heat – how to relieve pain in your dog

Heat is a wonderful way to relieve pain in your dog Relieve pain dog There are many ways to do something good for your dog ...
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5 extremely important things in the old dog

What is essential to consider with an old dog? You have an old dog or your dog is in the best age? Even then, you ...
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How to get your dog through the winter without complaints

You want your four-legged friend to be free of complaints even in winter? In my latest article for the 18th edition of “My heart barks” ...
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Claw trimming for dogs – the right way to do it

Claw trimming in dogs must be learned The last article was about why claw trimming is so important in dogs and what serious consequences too ...
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Poor claw care harms your dog’s joints!

Claw care in dogs is extremely important! Claw care is a topic that makes many dog owners break out in a cold sweat just reading ...
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The 15 most important symptoms of spondylosis in dogs

More and more dog suffer from spondylosis Even though spondylosis in dogs is often an incidental finding, it has become a true “common disease”. To ...
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21 points that tell you if your dog is in pain!

How can you tell if your dog is in pain? Not sure if your dog is in pain or uncomfortable? Your dog cannot speak. Therefore, ...
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How to recognize overweight in dogs and prevent them from getting sick

You are unsure if your dog suffers from overweight? Obesity is a touchy subject. Often it is difficult for us to assess whether our dog ...
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How does your dog get fat? – the fatal consequences of obesity in dogs

Obesity is a serious health risk overweight dog Nobody likes to hear that their dog is too fat. Obesity is a sensitive topic, which many ...
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What an orthopedic dog bed does! – Doggyfit

Does an orthopedic dog bed do what it promises? In my last article, I told you what to look for when choosing a dog bed ...
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The right sleeping place for your dog – THIS is what you should definitely consider!

Pay some attention to the sleeping place of your four-legged friend Dots, stripes or rather plain? Round or square? The selection criteria for the sleeping ...
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Amputation: happily through life on 3 legs!

Three-legged dogs and life after amputation Most of us have encountered them more often: Dogs on three legs after an amputation. Even have a three-legged ...
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Life jacket – safety and fun in the water – Product test: Alcott Mariner

Does a dog really need a life jacket? Swimming is not only fun for dogs, but also good for health. Due to the reduced weight ...
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My life with a handicap dog – special and enriching

An insight into my life with my handicap dog Snowy When a dog enters our lives, we usually have a picture in mind of what ...
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The more movement, the better – run until your paws glow?!

How much exercise does your dog need? How much exercise dog A good question that is often discussed and opinions vary widely. There is no ...
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5 ingenious exercises – so your dog comes fit through the summer

Summer, Sun, Sunshine…. Summer dog Summer is sometimes a curse and a blessing at the same time. Temperatures are soaring, the air is oppressive and ...
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11 valuable tips – so your dog leads a great life despite spondylosis

So your dog gets through everyday life well even with spondylosis! SPONDYLOSIS is a progressive bone brace formation between the individual vertebral bodies. It results ...
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Fit and healthy in the cool water – swimming and treading water

Swimming and treading water more than recreational fun? Most four-legged friends love it when it’s warm: swimming and romping through the cool water. And finally ...
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Fit on vacation – with 5 minutes of exercise training to more fitness – part 2

Exercise training on vacation? Isn’t it time to relax?! Exercise training should not be neglected in any life situation. Already in my last post I ...
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Fit on vacation – with 5 minutes a day more fitness -part 1

So the movement training does not come too briefly also in the vacation Vacation at last – take a deep breath, sleep in, discover new ...
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How to prevent joint problems – guest post at midoggy

What can you do to avoid joint problems such as osteoarthritis and the like? Prevent joint problems dog Many dog owners wonder what they can ...
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Jogging with dog – what you should know

Jogging with dog – fitness for man and four-legged friend Many dogs have great fun accompanying their owner on a jog. They are great endurance ...
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Effective Cool Down for the sporting dog

Cool down in dog Cool Down is completely overrated? That’s what we should be talking about. Because what actually happens after the sport, just back ...
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How to do an active warm up for dogs – part 2

Effective Why Up is Important The last article was about why a WARM UP is so important for your sporting dog, what happens during the ...
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Preventing Sporting Dog Injuries with Warm Up – Part 1

Warm up – Active warm up for dogs The number of dog athletes and sporting dogs is growing and yet Warm Up is not a ...
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Patellar luxation – the clinical picture and how to help your dog

“Common disease” patellar luxation in dogs Patellar luxation is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders in dogs. But it is just as often “overlooked” ...
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Cauda Equina Compression Syndrome – Isometry as an all-round exercise

What can you do for cauda equina compression syndrome? Your dog has been diagnosed with Cauda Equina Compression Syndrome? Now it’s about how you can ...
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Cauda Equina Compression Syndrome – what it means for your dog

Cauda Equina Compression Syndrome in Dogs The term Cauda Equina Compression Syndrome (CECS for short) comes up frequently among dog owners. But what does it ...
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Diagnosis OCD – two exercises that support rehab

How can you help your dog with shoulder OCD? Your dog’s osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD) has been successfully treated? Now it’s all about supporting your dog ...
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OCD of the shoulder – what does it mean for your dog?

OCD of the shoulder – typical disease in young dogs In this article, I’ll tell you how OCD develops. You will learn how to recognize ...
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Cycling with your dog – health and fun

Properly implemented cycling is a great workout for dog and owner Cycling with dogs is high on the list of activities for many dog owners. ...
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Relieve pain and relax with hedgehog ball, brush and curry comb (incl. video)

You want to relieve pain with massage – but without learning holds? This is how it works! You want to relieve pain and release tension ...
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Massage grips for dogs – circles (incl. video)

You want to learn massage techniques for dogs yourself? There are a variety of massage handles for dogs. Some of them can be performed by ...
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Loosening tensions with massage – kneading (incl. video)

You want to relax tensions in your dog? I will explain how you can learn to massage your dog and thus loosen tensions. The kneadings ...
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You want to massage your dog? How to do it – Strikes (incl. video)

You can learn to massage your dog You too can massage your dog! Really! In my article Massage for dogs – more than just wellness ...
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Massage for dogs – more than just wellness

The emergence of massage in dogs Massage for dogs is not an invention of modern times. In general, massage has been known for its healing ...
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Two active exercises for herniated disc

Fit after herniated disc My last blog post was about the herniated disc and what it means. Today I’m going to tell you about two ...
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Herniated disc in dogs – what does it mean for your four-legged friend?

Herniated disc in dog Herniated disc is a common disease of the spine in dogs. More than ¾ of the incidents involve the thoracic or ...
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Two active exercises for cruciate ligament rupture to copy

These exercises will help your dog with cruciate ligament tear Cruciate ligament rupture in dogs was the topic of my last blog post. There I ...
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Cruciate ligament rupture in dogs – everything you need to know!

Cruciate ligament rupture in dog Cruciate ligament rupture is a common joint disease in dogs. In most cases, the anterior cruciate ligament is affected. Often ...
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