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Two active exercises for herniated disc

2 aktive Übungen, die beim Bandscheibenvorfall beim Hund helfen

Fit after herniated disc

My last blog post was about the herniated disc and what it means. Today I’m going to tell you about two very good exercises you can do to help your dog with a herniated disc. You specifically train the muscles and coordination. In addition, you’ll work on a normal range of motion, its mobility and a good body awareness.

The first exercise are the Sit Up’s

Here’s how:

For the sit ups, your dog will lie on his side. You sit on your dog’s belly. Then hold a treat close to your dog’s nose and slowly guide it towards the rear. He will follow the movement of your hand and lift his head and torso sideways. At this moment, your dog tenses its abdominal muscles. Hold it in this position for 2-3 seconds. Then slowly guide the treat forward again until your dog is back in his starting position and lying on his side, and then give him the treat as well.

What is trained and how often?

For back problems, good abdominal muscles are very important. It supports the spine and supports the back muscles. However, in dogs with back disease, the abdominal muscles are usually weak and shortened. Therefore, sit ups are a great exercise for your dog to strengthen them.

I recommend you start training once a day with 3 reps per side.

The second exercise is the Cavaletti training

Here’s how:

You need five obstacles for the exercise over which your dog climbs. This number is important to get your dog into a flow of movement. At home you can use e.g. resort to broomsticks, in the forest or garden branches are perfect. You build the obstacles in a straight line on level ground. The distance is optimal with a dog’s length. They should be of such a height that your dog can comfortably climb over them and not be tempted to jump.

Now it can start

Lead your dog slowly, step by step on a short leash over the obstacles. With the leash you prevent your dog from stopping the exercise. At the same time, you also set the pace. If your dog is excited, let him dismount before the first obstacle, then he will calm down a bit. When you reach the end, let him dismount again. And don’t forget to praise him! This exercise requires a lot of concentration. Then it goes back again. Go as slowly as possible.
This is the only way your dog’s brain internalizes what the correct and healthy movement should be. With the exercise you train your dog’s coordination and get him to move his legs slowly and deliberately.

What is trained and how often?

You train his perception and trust in his body. In addition, he bends and stretches his joints, the muscles are strengthened. Ligaments, tendons and joints are kept supple.

Start with two repetitions twice a day. As the workout progresses, you can increase the number of repetitions.

Always consider your dog’s daily form when training. Even your dog is not in the same good mood and performance every day

Let’s go! Have fun training with your dog!

Would you like to learn more about herniated discs? Then I recommend you my article to the Ligament Incident IN A DOG.

Yours Tina exercises herniated disc dog exercises herniated disc dog exercises herniated disc dog

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