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Category: Patellar luxation

Bandages and orthotics for dogs – how they work and provide more stability for joints

The orthopedic field for dogs is developing more and more and so especially the fields of orthotics and bandages for dogs have developed rapidly. What ...
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Methylsulfonylmethane – MSM – food supplement for your dog’s joints.

When a dog suffers from joint problems, dog owners are often looking for a dietary supplement that can actively support the dog’s joints. I think ...
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Your dog has osteoarthritis? Tips for sensible arthritis management!

“Managing” osteoarthritis in dogs is something that causes a lot of problems for most dog owners. Because osteoarthritis can really be an “ass”. Even if ...
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The dog’s knee joint – why it’s particularly prone to joint problems & how you can strengthen it as a dog owner

The dog’s knee joint is probably the most complex joint in the dog. In addition, along with the elbow and hip joints, it is one ...
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Willow bark for joint pain in dogs: a natural solution for less pain and more mobility

When our dogs suffer from joint or back disease, this is often associated with joint pain. If your dog is affected, you certainly want to ...
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Gelenkschmerzen beim Hund treten häufig auf und beeinträchtigen unsere Hunde. Erfahre hier, woran du sie erkennst und was du tun kannst.

Joint pain in dogs: Important signs and what you can do!

Your dog is an important part of the family, and it is our common goal to ensure that he is always well. One of the ...
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Cavaletti training for dogs – how it works and what it brings to your dog

Cavaletti training for dogs – it exists? I still get a lot of wide-eyed looks when I tell dog people about cavaletti training and how ...
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4 medicinal plants for joint pain in dogs: natural support for better mobility and less pain

In the course of their lives, many dogs develop joint diseases such as osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia or spondylosis. It is important that we support and ...
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The top 5 causes of cruciate ligament rupture in dogs

Why do so many dogs actually suffer a cruciate ligament rupture? What are the causes of this? And how to avoid it? These are questions ...
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Relieve tension in dogs from joint disease with massage – gentle help for pain

When our dogs suffer from joint diseases such as osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia or spondylosis, their joints often hurt. Especially when joint wear is far advanced ...
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Weather sensitivity in dogs – when arthrosis & Co. are particularly painful

Weather sensitivity in dogs – does it exist? Many dog owners perceive that their dog is worse in wet and cold weather. Lameness is more ...
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Torn ligament in dog – causes, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment

Torn ligaments in dogs are one of the most common injuries in dog sports. The dog’s body has a variety of ligaments that provide stability ...
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Why performance pressure is out of place in exercise & fitness training for dogs

Recently, exercise training and dog fitness are experiencing a real hype. Basically, I am of course pleased that dog owners are concerned with the health ...
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Osteoarthritis = sparing? – Why it’s so important to keep your dog moving when he has joint problems

When dog owners receive a diagnosis of osteoarthritis in their dog, they are usually unsure what is still good for their dog in terms of ...
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Fitness training for dogs – why balance pads & co. should not be used for fun

Fitness training in dogs is always inevitably associated with balance pads and balance boards in all colors and sizes. But why actually?! I thought long ...
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Joint pain in dogs – when every step is uncomfortable

Joint pain in dogs is a topic that is gaining more and more awareness and importance. However, this was not always the case. Considering that ...
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Are dogs allowed to climb stairs? – these are the Go’s & No Go’s!

Whether dogs are allowed to climb stairs is one of the frequent questions I am asked. It is a topic that is much discussed among ...
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Retterspitz – wrap – fast helper against joint pain in dogs

Joint diseases such as osteoarthritis or hip dysplasia are often painful for our dogs as well. Of course, no quadruped should suffer pain. I like ...
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MSM, Glucosamine & Chondroitin – 3 supplements to help your dog with joint problems.

If your dog suffers from joint problems, there are good ways to support him specifically with supplements. There is a wide variety of natural “helpers” ...
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Ginger for dogs – help with osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia & Co.

In humans, ginger has long been known to be healthy and healing. But what about the dog. Can you also give ginger to the dog? ...
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Muscle building dog: isometric training for hind legs and back

Muscle Building Dog Muscle Building Dog Muscle Building Dog Muscle Building Dog Isometric training is often underestimated by dog owners in exercise therapy and also ...
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Patellar luxation: causes, consequences and important facts about the clinical picture

Most dog owners have heard of patellar luxation in relation to joint disease in dogs. It is safe to assume that everyone has also frequently ...
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Do you know the 4 degrees of severity of patellar luxation?!

Patellar luxation is a joint disease in dogs that is very common – especially in smaller dogs. But although it is on everyone’s lips, it ...
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Food Supplement – New Zealand Green Lipped Muscle Extract – Help for Osteoarthritis, Hip Dysplasia & Co.

New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel Extract is a proven nutritional supplement for dogs as well, because it provides excellent nourishment for joints and promotes joint ...
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Patellar luxation – These 9 important symptoms you should know!

Patellar luxation is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders in dogs. But just as often it is “overlooked” by the dog owner, or the ...
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Nibbling and licking the joints – this is not a cleaning mania!

Often, nibbling and licking the joints is considered part of grooming. Of course, our four-legged friends also engage in personal hygiene. For example, after a ...
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21 points that tell you if your dog is in pain!

How can you tell if your dog is in pain? Not sure if your dog is in pain or uncomfortable? Your dog cannot speak. Therefore, ...
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Patellar luxation – the clinical picture and how to help your dog

“Common disease” patellar luxation in dogs Patellar luxation is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders in dogs. But it is just as often “overlooked” ...
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