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Cycling with your dog – health and fun

Du kannst das Radfahren mit deinem Hund sehr gut als Trainingseinheit nutzen. Du baust Muskulatur auf und trainierst Kraft und Kondition deines Hundes.

Properly implemented cycling is a great workout for dog and owner

Cycling with dogs is high on the list of activities for many dog owners. With the first warming rays of sunshine, we are drawn back out into the fresh air. A nice hobby to explore the world with his pelt nose and it is even more fun to be out and about with the dog when the weather is nice. You can also use cycling with your dog very well as a training session. You build muscle and train your dog’s strength and condition. The cardiovascular system is also trained and, as with us humans, sport puts you in a good mood!

This is important when cycling with a dog:

There are a few points to keep in mind when cycling with your dog to ensure you both enjoy your hobby. So in this post, I’ll give you some valuable tips to keep in mind when cycling with your dog.

What do you need to pay attention to:

  • Training on the bike is taboo for your dog if he is very overweight, he is growing (younger than 12-18 mon.) or very old. Training on the bike can cause permanent damage to the joints and overtax him physically. Even if your dog is suffering from pain, he should not run on the bike. Is your dog in poor health or suffering from an infection or fever? Even then, any form of sport is taboo.
  • Very small dogs should not run on the bike. You definitely have too short legs for this kind of sport. However, there are great bike baskets that allow for a shared outing with your dog. Also very large and massive dogs should not run on the wheel, because their bodies are not made for endurance movements.
  • If possible, your dog should be led on a well-padded harness in which the movements of his body are possible to the full extent without the harness hindering him. The line should hang loosely. It’s not good if your dog pulls on the leash or you let him pull you on the wheel.

Before we go:

  • Your dog should have loosened up before your training session and start with an empty bowel. Please do not feed your dog before training with the bike or in between. Training is not good on a full stomach and the effort for the circulation is much higher. Thus, you are putting your dog at risk when he exercises on a full stomach.
  • At the beginning, you should do some warm-up exercises with him. With it you warm up the muscles and joints. You also reduce the risk of injury, because the dog’s body is more elastic after warming up and can handle abrupt movements better. In addition, your dog will also mentally adjust to the training and be more focused.
  • The optimal surface for training on the bike is soft and springy. Asphalt and gravel paths are not good for the joints and especially for dogs with joint diseases, you should make sure that the surface is easy on the joints. If possible, choose forest and field paths for your tours, this will cushion the movements better.

The ideal rhythm:

  • Especially after winter break or if you’re new to the sport, start training with short sessions that you build up slowly.
  • Start with a few minutes at a light trot, then switch to walk for a short time before doing the next session at a trot. Continuous running at a trot is very tiring for your dog. Your dog must have the opportunity to get fit and build up condition. Don’t overwork an older dog either and always think about the joints.
  • Your dog should walk alongside your bike at a relaxed trot. This gait is the most gentle on your dog’s joints and is best for building muscle and conditioning. You should always adjust the pace to the size of your dog. Long distances at a gallop are not good for your dog’s joints.
  • If your dog slows down and switches to walking or pants heavily, you should give him a break or stop training immediately.


  • Watch your dog closely after training and the day after. Are his movements and activity normal? Or does he move sluggishly and is conspicuously still? Dogs can also get painful muscle soreness if they run too fast or for too long. If this happens, you should definitely adjust the training workload.
  • Train with your dog no more than every other day. The body needs time to recover and the muscles only build up during these breaks.
  • Never ride a bike with your dog in the heat. This means extreme strain on the cardiovascular system. Your dog has no cooling from the wind, and it is also warmer near the ground than at saddle height. The asphalt heats up a lot, which can quickly become painful for your dog’s paws. So in the summer months, be sure to bike with your dog in the early morning or late evening. Otherwise, you’re putting your dog in serious health danger.
  • Basically, you should always give your dog breaks and always watch him. A dip in the lake or stream can be a welcome cool down if your dog has had a brief moment to cool down beforehand. On your excursions, be sure to always have water for you and your furry friend to avoid overheating.

Have fun with your joint training on the bike!

After sports, your dog will really enjoy some relaxation. A light massage to loosen up the muscles is just the thing for him and a great ritual for both of you!


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