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Back pain in dogs – how to recognize it!

Back pain in dogs is no exception!

If you think that back pain in dogs is an exceptional phenomenon, you are far wrong. Many more four-legged friends are affected than one might think.

In the last blog post I already told you something about the anatomy of the spine. There are a lot of similarities to the human spine. Diseases such as spondylosis or herniated discs can also affect both humans and dogs.

But what about back pain?

Back pain can really make life difficult for us humans. You may know this from your own painful experience. But what about our dogs? Do our four-legged friends feel the same way about them?

Definitely yes! The difference: people can clearly tell when their back hurts. With our dogs, sometimes it’s hard to tell at first glance.

Why is that?

This is because showing pain to your dog is a sign of weakness. So at first he will try to hide the fact that he has back pain. Often the signs are also misinterpreted. Because did you know that his lameness in the hind legs can also have back problems as a cause? So then a problem in the hip or knee is suspected, although the back hurts. Incorrect loading can also cause the quadruped to show lameness in the front legs – although the back is the real culprit.

Therefore, today I have compiled for you the most important signs of back pain in dogs:

  • Permanent or intermittent lameness of the front and/or hind legs.
  • Raised back
  • Avoid movements
  • Avoiding jumps e.g. into the car or onto the sofa
  • Crying out during certain movements
  • Weakness of the hind legs, also weakened musculature
  • The joy of movement decreases and the walks become shorter
  • Sudden and spontaneous snapping backwards – caused by a sharp pain
  • Nibbling or licking of joints – numbness or tingling may occur if nerve conduction is impaired.
  • Sluggish getting up or lying down often associated with vocalizations such as sighing, moaning
  • Sensitivity to touch on the back – wincing when touched
  • Paw loops
  • Tense back muscles
  • Behavioral changes such as anxiety, aggression, or apathy.

If your dog shows one or more of these symptoms, you should definitely take them seriously. Your dog is not faking. Back pain in dogs has a cause that should be clarified. It is best to present him to your veterinarian for a comprehensive diagnosis.

Would you like to learn more about pain in dogs and how to reliably recognize signs of pain? Then sign up for my free mini course “Recognizing signs of pain in dogs – incl. Checklist” on!

All the love, your Tina

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