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Category: Cauda Equina

Cavaletti Training für Hunde - was es ist und weshalb es für jeden Hund perfekt ist - auch für Seniorhunde, bei Hüftdysplasie, Arthrose & Co.

Cavaletti training for dogs – what it is, how it works & tips for setting it up

I’ll keep it short: Cavaletti training for dogs is really suitable for every dog. Whether you have a young, energetic puppy or an experienced, older ...
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Your dog is losing muscle? – these are possible causes and treatment options

Maybe you have already noticed it in your own dog or you have seen it in other dogs: The dog is poorly muscled in one ...
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Your dog doesn’t want to jump anymore? – these are possible causes

If your dog (suddenly) doesn’t want to jump anymore, there are several reasons. One may be that he just doesn’t want it. However, it is ...
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Wobbler Syndrome – Diagnosis, treatment options, prognosis & what you should watch out for as an owner.

In the last article, you already learned what wobbler syndrome is in dogs, which breeds are frequently affected and what the typical symptoms are. In ...
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Paw shoes – these are the possible uses for dogs and what you should consider when choosing them

Paw shoes are not only becoming more and more popular. Thanks to the constant further development, the possible applications are now also really diverse. On ...
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Bandages and orthotics for dogs – how they work and provide more stability for joints

The orthopedic field for dogs is developing more and more and so especially the fields of orthotics and bandages for dogs have developed rapidly. What ...
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Proprioception in dogs – what it means, why it’s so important and how you can train it

Proprioception in dogs – have you ever heard of it? Behind the complicated word proprioception lies the depth sensitivity and self-awareness of the body. In ...
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Pain-free through autumn and winter with joint problems – 5 tips to support your dog in everyday life!

If there’s one thing our dogs suffer from when it comes to joint problems, it’s the cold, wet weather in the fall and winter. If ...
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Willow bark for joint pain in dogs: a natural solution for less pain and more mobility

When our dogs suffer from joint or back disease, this is often associated with joint pain. If your dog is affected, you certainly want to ...
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Isometric training to reduce stress – mastering stressful situations

Isometric training looks very unspectacular at first glance. However, the effect on the dog is great in every respect. Isometric training is physically and mentally ...
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Cavaletti training for dogs – how it works and what it brings to your dog

Cavaletti training for dogs – it exists? I still get a lot of wide-eyed looks when I tell dog people about cavaletti training and how ...
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Swimming in dogs – is it really healthy for every dog?

Many dog people think it is a great activity for any dog to be able to swim in the summer. It is refreshing and after ...
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Your dog is having surgery? – 12 important tips for preparation and for the first time after surgery that you should know

If your dog is having surgery for a musculoskeletal condition such as hip dysplasia or a herniated disc, there are usually some unique features and ...
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Weight bandages for dogs in dog fitness training – useful or dangerous?

Weight bandages for dogs, which are used in dog fitness training, are becoming increasingly popular. However, the use of weight bandages in dogs should be ...
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Pain memory in dogs – why it is so dangerous and how to treat it.

Pain in itself is unpleasant, but it has an important function in the dog’s body – and of course in the human body as well. ...
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Your dog can not sit properly? – What the sitting position says about the musculoskeletal system of your dog

When it comes to the diagnosis of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the gait of the dog is usually looked at. Rarely is there a ...
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Strengthen the nerve function in dogs – this is how!

When dogs suffer from back disorders, such as a herniated disc, cauda equina compression syndrome, spondylosis, nerve function is often disrupted. The cause here is ...
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Muscle building in neurological diseases – how it works properly – and what is often done wrong!

Herniated discs, Cauda Equina Compression Syndrome, Wobbler Syndrome – these are just a few neurological conditions in dogs. Nowadays, we can not only diagnose them, ...
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4 Reasons why many joint diseases develop in puppyhood – and how you can avoid them!

In the puppy and young dog period, few dog people think about the fact that their dog could develop problems with his joints. Everything is ...
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Weather sensitivity in dogs – when arthrosis & Co. are particularly painful

Weather sensitivity in dogs – does it exist? Many dog owners perceive that their dog is worse in wet and cold weather. Lameness is more ...
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Your dog does not play anymore? Pain can be the cause!

Pain in general and also joint pain in dogs is a topic that dog owners are becoming more and more aware of and take seriously. ...
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Arched back in the dog – this is the cause

Again and again you see dogs that show a distinctly arched back, combined with a very stiff posture and gait. In many cases, this occurs ...
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Does your dog shake normally? So right from the front to the back?

Maybe you have never really consciously asked yourself this question and therefore never consciously looked at how your dog shakes. At first it sounds very ...
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The dog rod – much more than a mood barometer

We associate the dog’s tail primarily with one of our dogs’ many “means of communication.” Depending on the mood and situation, the rod is used ...
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Back training for dogs – with these two exercises you strengthen the muscles and promote mobility

Many dogs have back problems in the course of their lives and dog owners want to support their four-legged friends with targeted back training for ...
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Why performance pressure is out of place in exercise & fitness training for dogs

Recently, exercise training and dog fitness are experiencing a real hype. Basically, I am of course pleased that dog owners are concerned with the health ...
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Neurological problems in dogs – this is how you promote nerve conduction with stroking out the spaces between the toes

A whole range of back diseases also bring neurological problems at the same time. Common conditions closely associated with neurological problems typically include herniated discs, ...
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Healthy dog sports – your dog’s health in mind! Interview at dog sport Nubi

The topic of dog sports – and especially healthy dog sports – is something I encounter again and again and more and more as a ...
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Dog massage made easy with the massage glove – instructions for dog owners

Many dog owners are very interested in the subject of dog massage. But they don’t always want to venture into real massages. You don’t always ...
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Fitness training for dogs – why balance pads & co. should not be used for fun

Fitness training in dogs is always inevitably associated with balance pads and balance boards in all colors and sizes. But why actually?! I thought long ...
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Joint pain in dogs – when every step is uncomfortable

Joint pain in dogs is a topic that is gaining more and more awareness and importance. However, this was not always the case. Considering that ...
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Slipped vertebrae in dogs – spondylosisthesis – all the facts about the disease

A slipped vertebra in a dog is an unnaturally mobile vertebra in the back that leaves its normal position within the spine, causing discomfort. One ...
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How to move your dog properly after a herniated disc!

When a dog has suffered a herniated disc, the first thing you think is that he needs everything at that moment, but no movement. But ...
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Are dogs allowed to climb stairs? – these are the Go’s & No Go’s!

Whether dogs are allowed to climb stairs is one of the frequent questions I am asked. It is a topic that is much discussed among ...
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6 valuable tips for the fall – how to help your dog with osteoarthritis

If a dog suffers from joint diseases such as osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia or spondylosis, fall is the time of year when joints often hurt and ...
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7 tips to make life easier for a dog with a disability!

If a dog has a disability, so you have to constantly adapt your life to the needs of the dog in everyday life. Many dog ...
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You want to buy a dog coat? – this is what you should pay attention to

In the article “Dog coat – for which dogs it is indispensable” you have already learned why and when a dog coat is important and ...
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Dog coat – for which dogs it is indispensable?

The topic of dog coat is always hotly debated. I’m not talking about a dog coat from a fashion point of view or as an ...
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Is your dog’s weight optimal? How to tell if your dog is too fat!

is your dog overweight? At least he would not be alone in this, because almost every second dog is unfortunately overweight nowadays. Tendency increasing: more ...
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Disabled dog – Essential tips for living with handicap dog

A disabled dog is still often looked at critically and asked whether life is worth living at all. Very often I had to face this ...
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Swimming with a dog – these 10 points you should consider!

Swimming with dog is a popular activity in the hot summer months. Many dogs love to swim and frolic in the cool water. A welcome ...
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10 behavioral tips for spinal cord infarction – how to support your dog

When a dog suffers from a spinal cord infarction, the affected dog owners are usually very helpless and overcome with great fear for the dog. ...
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Spinal cord infarction in dogs – how to help them with physiotherapy

The last blog post was already about spinal cord infarction in dogs and its development as well as symptoms. In this article you will get ...
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Spinal cord infarction in dogs – clinical picture, symptoms & diagnosis

It does not always have to be a slipped disc behind it, if it comes with a dog from a movement suddenly to a paralysis. ...
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Degenerative myelopathy – these are the most common symptoms

In Part I of the blog series on degenerative myelopathy, you have already learned a lot of important information about the disease. This article is ...
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Degenerative Myelopathy Part I – the clinical picture, causes, diagnosis & therapy goals.

Degenerative Myelopathy is a disease of the spinal cord that results in a slowly progressive complete paralysis of the dog. This results in demyelization and ...
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The dog bed – These 6 points you should consider when choosing!

Most of our four-legged friends have more than one dog bed. But what criteria do we use to choose a bed for our dog? Our ...
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Pain in the dog – When the dog does not sit and training is of no use – Guest article Bothshunde

Pain in dogs is big topic. Dogs show that they are in pain in different ways. Behavior can also show that a dog is in ...
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These 5 points you should definitely consider when choosing a dog coat

In autumn and winter is again time for a dog coat. This is much more about functionality than the fashion aspect. Therefore, this article is ...
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Passing gait in dogs – what it means and what it indicates

Passgang in dogs – what does it actually mean? When a dog is walking in the pass gait, it alternately moves each of its right ...
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