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11 valuable tips – so your dog leads a great life despite spondylosis

Ich verrate dir wichtige Alltagstipps bei Spondylose, mit denen du deinem Hund das Leben enorm erleichterst und seine Lebensqualität steigerst.

So your dog gets through everyday life well even with spondylosis!

SPONDYLOSIS is a progressive bone brace formation between the individual vertebral bodies. It results in stiffening of the dog’s spine. Spondylosis is not operable and the bone braces formed cannot be reversed.

Nevertheless, a dog with spondylosis can live to a ripe old age. In addition, he can be an active dog with a lot of joie de vivre. However, the back is your dog’s weak point. The goal is to halt the progression of spondylosis. Continue to keep your dog mobile, well muscled and pain free. I’ll tell you important everyday tips that will make your dog’s life much easier. Furthermore, you increase his quality of life.

This helps your dog with spondylosis

  • Avoid riding other dogs at all costs. Patting and patting on the back is also uncomfortable for your dog.
  • Match walks and exertion to your dog’s current medical condition. Rather take shorter walks, but more often.
  • If your dog is overweight, weight reduction is inevitable. Because every gram too much on the ribs is an additional burden for the bones. It promotes the progression of spondylosis.
  • Competitive sports are taboo in spondylosis. Short stops, tight turns and jumps are extraordinary stresses for the body. You should not put your dog with spondylosis through that. However, there are now many dog sports such as Mobility or Degility. They are designed for dogs with movement restrictions.
  • Avoid jumping in and out of the trunk. If you can’t lift your dog into the trunk, there are handy dog ramps. Dogs usually get used to it quickly.

But you can do even more:

  • Your dog’s sleeping place should also be set up for his condition. For it should not be located in cold, drafty areas, if possible. An orthopedic dog bed provides wonderful pressure relief for the back. Your dog sleeps like on clouds.
  • Nature has an abundance of supplements available to support your dog. Green-lipped muscle extract, for example, supports the joints. Frankincense and devil’s claw have an analgesic effect.
  • Avoid the cooling of the back in winter. A dog coat keeps your dog warm. It avoids the cold and moisture to move into the joints and prevents tension.
  • Your dog loves to sleep on the sofa? Then you should avoid him jumping on the sofa. If you can’t lift him, there are great climbing aids and dog stairs. You can offer them to him to help.
  • Your dog should climb as few stairs as possible. If it cannot be avoided, there are practical carrying aids. With this you can support and relieve your dog.
  • A rolling stone gathers no moss. Despite and because of spondylosis, it is important that you keep your dog mobile, well muscled and fit. You can make sure his back stays flexible with targeted EXERCISES. His back muscles also remain stable. This is how you delay the progression of spondylosis.



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