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Online course packages for the comprehensive support of your dog

Developed by the cert. Dog physiotherapist Martina Flocken – for maximum mobility and health according to his needs.


Concentrated knowledge with the Doggy Fitness online course packages

Maximum support for your dog through perfectly coordinated course packages
Maximum support
for your dog through perfectly coordinated course packages

Here you can find online course packages on various topics, in which you can get suitable courses combined with each other at an offer price. With these course packages you comprehensively cover the support of your dog in terms of mobility, pain relief and quality of life in active and passive measures and I pass on my many years of experience and knowledge.

You are unsure which course package is right for your dog? Feel free to contact me and together we will choose the right course package foryour dog’s needs.

Online course packages

SeniorFIT & SeniorAGIL

You have an older dog and you want to keep him mobile with senior-friendly dog fitness training and at the same time accompany him with measures such as wraps to support joint function and pain relief, heat therapy and medicinal herbs and supplements? In course package of SeniorFIT and SeniorAGIL you get exactly that. An effective combination of active physiotherapeutic movement exercises geared to the needs of older dogs, gentle accompanying measures to support joint function, delay the aging process and relieve pain. For an effective and natural companionship of your dog in old age.

OsteoarthritisFIT & JointAGIL

Your dog suffers from osteoarthritis and you want to mobilize him with gentle dog fitness training and stop the progression of osteoarthritis, while accompanying it with measures such as wraps to support joint function and pain relief, heat therapy and medicinal herbs and supplements? In course package of ArthroseFIT and GelenkAGIL you get exactly that. An effective combination of active physiotherapeutic movement exercises for mobilization and accompanying measures to support the joint for effective and natural arthritis management.

BackFIT & BackAGIL

Your dog suffers from a back condition and you want to mobilize him with gentle dog fitness training, improve his nerve function and stop the progression of the back condition while accompanying it with measures such as wraps for pain relief, heat therapy and medicinal herbs and supplements? In course package of RückenFIT and RückenAGIL you get exactly that. An effective combination of active physiotherapy movement exercises to strengthen the back and accompanying measures to support the back for effective and natural relief of pain.

BackAGIL & RelaxFIT

Your dog suffers from a back condition and you want to improve nerve function, gently relieve your dog’s pain and tension with massage while accompanying it with measures such as wraps for pain relief, heat therapy and medicinal herbs and supplements? In course package of BackAGIL and RelaxFIT you get exactly that, the perfect combination of massage and measures that you can use concomitantly to provide your dog with comprehensive, effective support.

SeniorAGIL & RelaxFIT

Your dog is older and suffers from muscular tension and also one or the other joint hurts? You want to gently relieve pain and tension of your dog with massage and at the same time accompany it with measures such as wraps for pain relief, heat therapy and medicinal herbs and supplements? In course package of SeniorAGIL and RelaxFIT you get exactly that, the perfect combination of massage and measures that you can use concomitantly to offer your senior dog a comprehensive, effective support to sustain him in old age.

Free HappyFIT course

You want to get to know me and my dog fitness training? Sign up now for my FREE HappyFIT class.

Free HappyFIT course

You want to get to know me and my dog fitness training? Then sign up now for my free HappyFIT course.

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