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Massage grips for dogs – circles (incl. video)

Massagegriffe beim Hund lernen -  Verspannungen und Schmerzen lindern beim Hund mit Massage - Massagegriff Zirkelungen - inkl. Anleitungsvideo

You want to learn massage techniques for dogs yourself?

There are a variety of massage handles for dogs. Some of them can be performed by laymen. In my articles about massage in dogs stroking and kneading I showed you the first massage strokes. Also with it you can relax your dog and release tension. In this article, we will continue with the circles that you will perform after the strokes and kneads.

What are compasses and when do you use them?

The circles are a very intense, circular massage hold. You release tensions down to the deep muscle layers. Your dog’s muscles should already be loosened and warmed up by other massage strokes such as stroking and kneading. Otherwise, the circles can be painful.

What is the effect of circles?

Skin, subcutaneous tissue, connective tissue are warmed and loosened. The muscles are relaxed down to the deep layers. Adhesions are loosened. The metabolism, blood circulation and lymph flow are stimulated. Your dog relaxes physically and also mentally.

Before starting the circles

Your dog lies relaxed on his side, with his belly facing you. You’ve already done the strokes and kneads on your dog. He is relaxed and calm. His muscles are warmed up and prepared for more intense grips. Basically, a massage is always done while your dog is resting. Your dog should have loosened up before the massage and not have a full stomach. You yourself should be calm and relaxed and so should the environment. TV, telephone and other distracting factors are taboo. Just as we ourselves would like a relaxing massage.

Hand’s on – How to perform the circles

The pressure with which you perform the circles should always be based on what your dog is comfortable with. First test the pressure on the tense muscles of your forearm. Just as I explained in the article Massage in dogs – more than just wellness. More pressure does not necessarily bring more. Start massaging with the inherent pressure of your hand. As you go, see how much pressure is comfortable for your dog. The circles are performed on the back, front and hind legs. You take the fingertips of the index, middle and ring fingers. Massage the muscles with small, slow, circular movements. Start first at the muscles of the thigh and then slowly work towards the paw. You should not massage on bones and joints. As the areas you massage get smaller, use fewer fingers. If you feel a tension, you can also make 2-3 circles on the same spot.

This is how it continues

Next, massage the muscles of the back. To do this, palpate the spine and then go along the muscles of the back with small circular movements from the neck to the base of the tail. Be careful not to massage on the spine. Also for the back muscles you can stay on a tension for a short time before you continue massaging along the back. Next, perform the circles on the front leg from the shoulder to the paw without massaging on bones or joints. As with the hind leg, use fewer fingers as the areas you massage become smaller.

How often?

Perform 2-3 repetitions per area to be massaged, then follow up with 2 strokes and then 2-3 more passes of circles per area.

The video tutorial

So that you are confident in performing the circuits and see exactly how they work, I explain them to you in my video using the back muscles as an example.

Click here for the video tutorial.

You don’t have any experience with massage on dogs or you are not sure if it is right for your dog? Then please read before you start with the circles my article Massage at the dog -more than only wellness and my articles to the strokes and kneading. So you get an optimal introduction to the topic of massage for dogs.

Massage handles at dog Massage handles at dog Massage handles at dog Massage handles at dog


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