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Loosening tensions with massage – kneading (incl. video)

Verspannungen lockern beim Hund mit Massage - inklusive Anleitungsvideo

You want to relax tensions in your dog?

I will explain how you can learn to massage your dog and thus loosen tensions. The kneadings are particularly well suited for this purpose. In my article Massage on a Dog – Strokes, I showed you the first grip you use to initiate and end a massage. The kneading, you perform after the strokes.

What are kneadings and when do you use them?

During kneading, the skin and muscles are grasped between the fingers and moved against each other in an s-shape. Kneading are intensive massage strokes. You act on the skin, connective tissue and muscles. The muscles should be warmed up beforehand by stroking. On the spine you work the skin and the upper muscle layers. While on the limbs you also get to grip the deep muscles. Dogs find the kneading very pleasant and you can do it for longer if your dog particularly likes it too.

How do kneadings work?

Skin, subcutaneous tissue, connective tissue and muscles are warmed and loosened. Adhesions are loosened. The metabolism, blood circulation and lymph flow are stimulated. The nerves are also stimulated. Your dog relaxes mentally and also physically.

Before starting the kneading

Your dog lies relaxed on his side, with his belly facing you. You have already done the deletions on your dog. He is relaxed and calm. His muscles are already warmed up and prepared for more intense grips. Basically, a massage is always done while your dog is resting. Your dog should have loosened up before the massage and not have a full stomach. You yourself should be calm and relaxed and so should the environment. TV, telephone and other distracting factors are taboo. Just as we ourselves would like a relaxing massage.

Hand’s on – How to do the kneading

Kneading is performed on the back and on the front and hind legs. You start at your dog’s hind leg. Grasp the thigh muscles with both hands from behind transversely between thumb and index, middle finger and ring finger. For smaller dogs, thumbs and a few fingers are often enough. You gently slide the muscles alternately with both hands between your fingers. Now it’s the turn of the anterior thigh muscles. Since the area you are massaging is small, you perform it with only one hand. Gently grasp the muscles of the thigh with your hand from the front between your thumb and one or two fingers. Gently slide them between your fingers.

This is how it continues

Next, perform the kneading on your dog’s back. To do this, grasp the fur and skin between your thumb and finger and gently lift. Then carefully move them against each other in an S-shape. Make sure you don’t pinch anything on your dog, but let the skin glide gently through your fingers. There should be a smooth, slow and continuous S-shaped movement along the spine.

Now you perform the kneading on the front leg. To do this, grip the muscles on the upper arm with both hands from behind across between the thumb and index and middle fingers. Then, gently alternate sliding the muscles between your fingers with both hands.

How often?

Repeat the kneading about 7-10 times per area where you apply it. If your dog enjoys it a lot, you can do it more often.

The video tutorial

So that you are confident in performing the kneading and see exactly how they work, I explain them to you in my video using the back muscles as an example.

Click here for the video tutorial.

You have no experience with massage on the dog? Then please read before you start with the kneading my article: Massage at the dog – more than just wellness and my article Massage at the dog – strokes. So you have an optimal introduction to the topic of massage for dogs.

In my next post, I’ll explain to you the massage hold Circles. This is a very intense massage grip that works deep in the muscles.

Loosening tensions Loosening tensions Loosening tensions Loosening tensions



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