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Tag: Hip dysplasia

Cavaletti Training für Hunde - was es ist und weshalb es für jeden Hund perfekt ist - auch für Seniorhunde, bei Hüftdysplasie, Arthrose & Co.

Cavaletti training for dogs – what it is, how it works & tips for setting it up

I’ll keep it short: Cavaletti training for dogs is really suitable for every dog. Whether you have a young, energetic puppy or an experienced, older ...
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Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease in dogs – the clinical picture, cause, symptoms, affected breeds and diagnosis.

Legg-Calvé-Perthes is also referred to as aseptic femoral head necrosis. Necrosis means the death of one or more cells. Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease is a disease of ...
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Methylsulfonylmethane – MSM – food supplement for your dog’s joints.

When a dog suffers from joint problems, dog owners are often looking for a dietary supplement that can actively support the dog’s joints. I think ...
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Pain-free through autumn and winter with joint problems – 5 tips to support your dog in everyday life!

If there’s one thing our dogs suffer from when it comes to joint problems, it’s the cold, wet weather in the fall and winter. If ...
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Exercise training for hip dysplasia and hip osteoarthritis in dogs – with these 2 exercises you specifically strengthen the hip & hindquarters of your dog

After recently presenting two active exercises that youcan use ifyour dog has back problems, in this article I present two active exercises from movement training ...
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Hüftdysplasie ist eine häufige Gelenkerkrankung, von der unsere Hunde betroffen sind. Erfahre hier alle wichtigen Fakten zum Krankheitsbild.

Hip dysplasia in dogs: all the facts about the condition

This blog article is about a widespread joint disease that affects many dogs: hip dysplasia. This is a disease of the hip joint that ...
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Rabbit hobbling and hip swaying in dogs – what joint disease it indicates

Have you ever seen a dog that hops its hind legs like a rabbit at a trot? At first glance, this looks cute in any ...
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The top 5 causes of cruciate ligament rupture in dogs

Why do so many dogs actually suffer a cruciate ligament rupture? What are the causes of this? And how to avoid it? These are questions ...
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Your dog is having surgery? – 12 important tips for preparation and for the first time after surgery that you should know

If your dog is having surgery for a musculoskeletal condition such as hip dysplasia or a herniated disc, there are usually some unique features and ...
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Your dog does not play anymore? Pain can be the cause!

Pain in general and also joint pain in dogs is a topic that dog owners are becoming more and more aware of and take seriously. ...
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HAPPYFIT 2.0 Dog Fitness – free 6 day training plan and exercise instructions for your dog!

The topic of dog fitness and exercise training is becoming increasingly popular among dog owners. I have been passionate about it for a number of ...
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Osteoarthritis = sparing? – Why it’s so important to keep your dog moving when he has joint problems

When dog owners receive a diagnosis of osteoarthritis in their dog, they are usually unsure what is still good for their dog in terms of ...
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Dog massage made easy with the massage glove – instructions for dog owners

Many dog owners are very interested in the subject of dog massage. But they don’t always want to venture into real massages. You don’t always ...
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Joint pain in dogs – when every step is uncomfortable

Joint pain in dogs is a topic that is gaining more and more awareness and importance. However, this was not always the case. Considering that ...
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Why it’s so important that your dog sits properly!

No, this is not about obedience training. Sitting is just like standing a normal basic posture of our dogs. But if you look around you ...
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Comfrey wrap – gentle help from nature for joint problems & pain

Already the name comfrey tells us its main effect. Traditionally, it was used for bone fractures. Originally comfrey comes from Eastern Europe and Asia. However, ...
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Retterspitz – wrap – fast helper against joint pain in dogs

Joint diseases such as osteoarthritis or hip dysplasia are often painful for our dogs as well. Of course, no quadruped should suffer pain. I like ...
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6 valuable tips for the fall – how to help your dog with osteoarthritis

If a dog suffers from joint diseases such as osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia or spondylosis, fall is the time of year when joints often hurt and ...
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MSM, Glucosamine & Chondroitin – 3 supplements to help your dog with joint problems.

If your dog suffers from joint problems, there are good ways to support him specifically with supplements. There is a wide variety of natural “helpers” ...
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Bone cancer in dogs – all the facts about the disease

Bone cancer is a common cancer in dogs. There’s no need to beat around the fact that the prognosis is extremely poor. However, it is ...
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Ginger for dogs – help with osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia & Co.

In humans, ginger has long been known to be healthy and healing. But what about the dog. Can you also give ginger to the dog? ...
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Red light in dogs – quick help for arthrosis, spondylosis & Co.

Especially in the cold winter months, joint diseases such as osteoarthritis, spondylosis, hip dysplasia & Co. cause our dogs a lot of trouble. Older dogs ...
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Devil’s claw – this is how it helps your dog with joint diseases!

Devil’s claw is a medicinal plant native to Africa. However, their effect is now known far beyond the borders of Africa. After being used in ...
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You want to buy a dog coat? – this is what you should pay attention to

In the article “Dog coat – for which dogs it is indispensable” you have already learned why and when a dog coat is important and ...
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Dog coat – for which dogs it is indispensable?

The topic of dog coat is always hotly debated. I’m not talking about a dog coat from a fashion point of view or as an ...
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Osteoarthritis in dogs – 7 important tips for behavior

Every dog person has actually heard of osteoarthritis in dogs. It is one of the most common joint diseases in our four-legged friends. Osteoarthritis is ...
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2 anti-inflammatory supplements for dogs – rosehip & sea buckthorn berry

There is a great variety of helpers from nature in the form of medicinal plants and also a wide range of anti-inflammatory supplements for dogs. ...
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How to keep your dog moving despite the heat – 3 active exercises for your dog

The warm summer temperatures have us fully in their grip and thus the daily walks with us are shorter. Especially Snowy, who is a bit ...
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Causes of obesity in dogs – so your dog gets fat!

Obesity is a serious health risk. Causes of obesity in dogs – there are definitely several. And here I do not mean: “It’s all just ...
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Is your dog’s weight optimal? How to tell if your dog is too fat!

is your dog overweight? At least he would not be alone in this, because almost every second dog is unfortunately overweight nowadays. Tendency increasing: more ...
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Swimming with a dog – these 10 points you should consider!

Swimming with dog is a popular activity in the hot summer months. Many dogs love to swim and frolic in the cool water. A welcome ...
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Food Supplement – New Zealand Green Lipped Muscle Extract – Help for Osteoarthritis, Hip Dysplasia & Co.

New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel Extract is a proven nutritional supplement for dogs as well, because it provides excellent nourishment for joints and promotes joint ...
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You should know these symptoms of hip dysplasia in dogs!

Do you know the classic symptoms for hip dysplasia? Most dog owners have heard of hip dysplasia, as it is one of the most common ...
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Degility – 5 things you should definitely know about the dog sport!

For me as a physiotherapist, the health aspect is of course the main focus when it comes to dog sports. Because sure, dog sports should ...
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How to get your senior dog through the winter well – My heart barks issue #22

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section” _builder_version=”4.15″ global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row” _builder_version=”4.15″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.15″ custom_padding=”|||” global_colors_info=”{}” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.15.1″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″] You have ...
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4 helpful tips to prevent joint problems in dogs – Part II

There are many different ways to prevent joint problems in our dogs. Many of them you can easily implement in everyday life. Already in the ...
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4 helpful tips to prevent joint problems in dogs – Part I

Is there actually the possibility to prevent joint problems in dogs? Absolutely! But even if your four-legged friend is already suffering from joint disease, you ...
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Relieve pain in dogs with hot packs, red light & Co.

Relieving pain in dogs is a big topic. But sometimes you can also prevent the administration of painkillers – and if so, how?! Absolutely! With ...
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Collagen peptides for dogs – Our experience with Collagile Dog

When it comes to dietary supplements for joint diseases, Collagile Dog is currently on everyone’s lips. But what is it actually all about? We wanted ...
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The dog bed – These 6 points you should consider when choosing!

Most of our four-legged friends have more than one dog bed. But what criteria do we use to choose a bed for our dog? Our ...
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Pain in the dog – When the dog does not sit and training is of no use – Guest article Bothshunde

Pain in dogs is big topic. Dogs show that they are in pain in different ways. Behavior can also show that a dog is in ...
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These 5 points you should definitely consider when choosing a dog coat

In autumn and winter is again time for a dog coat. This is much more about functionality than the fashion aspect. Therefore, this article is ...
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Senior-friendly exercise – THIS is what you should definitely consider!

It feels like from one day to the next your dog lets himself fall back during the walk. One or the other movement becomes more ...
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Physiotherapy in dogs – so versatile it can be used!

I’ll say it right away: physiotherapy for dogs is indeed recommended for “every dog”. Item. Completely without reason, there are still voices that ridicule physiotherapy ...
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Passing gait in dogs – what it means and what it indicates

Passgang in dogs – what does it actually mean? When a dog is walking in the pass gait, it alternately moves each of its right ...
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Your dog doesn’t want to jump into the car anymore? – This is not defiance!

Your dog doesn’t want to jump into the car anymore and you are totally annoyed about it? He stands indecisively in front of the open ...
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Nibbling and licking the joints – this is not a cleaning mania!

Often, nibbling and licking the joints is considered part of grooming. Of course, our four-legged friends also engage in personal hygiene. For example, after a ...
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Quarkwickel with the dog – fast emergency helper with pain and Co.

When I ask dog owners if they know curd wraps, most of them say “yeah sure”. As a rule, however, they have not thought about ...
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Dog coat – when it is indispensable & how it helps your dog

A dog coat is no frills Dogs also freeze – that once first of all and benefit from a dog coat. Whether your dog is ...
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How to get your dog through the winter without complaints

You want your four-legged friend to be free of complaints even in winter? In my latest article for the 18th edition of “My heart barks” ...
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