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Retterspitz – wrap – fast helper against joint pain in dogs

Retterspitz - Wickel sind eine tolle Möglichkeit, deinem Hund mit natürlichen Mitteln Schmerzlinderung z.B. bei Arthrose, HD & Co. zu verschaffen.

Joint diseases such as osteoarthritis or hip dysplasia are often painful for our dogs as well. Of course, no quadruped should suffer pain. I like to get support from nature and am a great friend of compresses. In addition to the quark poultice, I also like to use Retterspitz poultices to give dogs quick relief from joint pain.

Retterspitz is used for inflammations of all kinds. The wraps can be applied both hot and cold. However, I usually use the cold version when applying to joints.

When does a Retterspitz poultice help your dog?

  • Arthritis thrust
  • Acute inflammations e.g. tendonitis or irritation
  • Acute pain
  • After operations
  • Sprains
  • Ligament injuries
  • Joint effusions
  • Edema
  • Hematomas

By the way, you can also use the wrap for insect bites. But: the use of wraps does not generally replace a visit to the vet. In case of serious illness or insect bites in the throat and mouth area, please consult your veterinarian immediately.

When are Retterspitz wraps taboo?

  • Open wounds
  • Kidney or bladder infection
  • severe heart disease
  • arterial circulatory disorders
  • Carcinoma
  • Hypersensitivity to cold
  • Allergies or intolerances to the ingredients

What you need for the poultice with Retterspitz

  • Sheet or a cotton cloth for the inner cloth
  • Cotton as an intermediate cloth (preferably a little larger than the inner cloth)
  • evt. Cotton or terry cloth for fixing
  • Retterspitz
  • cold or hot water
  • One bowl

How to make

the right way to make the savior tip wrap

You take the Retterspitz tincture/liquid and mix it with cold water. Then dip a sheet in it and wring it out. This is then applied to the affected area. Wrap a dry intermediate towel over it and then fix the wrap with an outer towel, depending on the position. Please make sure that you do not apply the wrap too tightly and that no wrinkles form.

After a few minutes, check your dog’s skin for reactions. If your dog reacts to the wrap with severe redness or pustules, please remove it immediately. When the wrap has warmed up, take it off again.

Make sure your dog is resting and not cold during the application. If you apply the poultice warm, it should not be too hot. Check the temperature on the inside of your own wrist. Give your dog some time to rest after the wrap.

How long should the poultice be applied and how often can it be used?

The wrap should be taken down when it becomes warm (in case of a cold application). In the case of a warm poultice, when it cools down. This usually happens after 15-30 minutes. Basically, however, you should also consider the tolerance of your dog. If necessary, you can safely apply the compresses several times a day.

Would you like to learn more about pain in dogs and how to reliably recognize signs of pain? Then join my free online mini course “Recognizing signs of pain in dogs – incl. Checklist”!



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