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Tag: Old dog

Cavaletti Training für Hunde - was es ist und weshalb es für jeden Hund perfekt ist - auch für Seniorhunde, bei Hüftdysplasie, Arthrose & Co.

Cavaletti training for dogs – what it is, how it works & tips for setting it up

I’ll keep it short: Cavaletti training for dogs is really suitable for every dog. Whether you have a young, energetic puppy or an experienced, older ...
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Your dog doesn’t want to jump anymore? – these are possible causes

If your dog (suddenly) doesn’t want to jump anymore, there are several reasons. One may be that he just doesn’t want it. However, it is ...
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How old is your dog – how to convert dog years into human years

The aging process of our dogs is a topic that sooner or later concerns all of us dog owners. Probably the most frequently asked question ...
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Paw shoes – these are the possible uses for dogs and what you should consider when choosing them

Paw shoes are not only becoming more and more popular. Thanks to the constant further development, the possible applications are now also really diverse. On ...
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Bandages and orthotics for dogs – how they work and provide more stability for joints

The orthopedic field for dogs is developing more and more and so especially the fields of orthotics and bandages for dogs have developed rapidly. What ...
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Occupation for dogs – so you can occupy your dog in old age and with joint diseases

You may wonder what the topic of employment for senior dogs or dogs with joint disease has to do with dog physiotherapy. At first glance, ...
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Strength and muscle building in dogs – why muscle is so important and how to train properly

Muscle building in dogs is not only an issue for sporting dogs. Also in the case of joint problems, after prolonged immobility, it is important ...
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Fine motor skills in dogs – with these exercises you promote them

You know how it is: you see dogs that move easily, effortlessly and elegantly. And then there are those who seem to bump mercilessly everywhere ...
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Exercise training for osteoarthritis in dogs – these 3 active exercises promote joint mobility and strengthen the muscles

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common joint diseases in dogs. The joints that bear most of the body’s weight are often affected. These include ...
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Standing training for dogs – why the standing position is the basis for movement (training)

The stand training with the dog – many dog owners know it as a signal for standing still e.g. before crossing a street. But let’s ...
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Pain-free through autumn and winter with joint problems – 5 tips to support your dog in everyday life!

If there’s one thing our dogs suffer from when it comes to joint problems, it’s the cold, wet weather in the fall and winter. If ...
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Exercise training for hip dysplasia and hip osteoarthritis in dogs – with these 2 exercises you specifically strengthen the hip & hindquarters of your dog

After recently presenting two active exercises that youcan use ifyour dog has back problems, in this article I present two active exercises from movement training ...
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Willow bark for joint pain in dogs: a natural solution for less pain and more mobility

When our dogs suffer from joint or back disease, this is often associated with joint pain. If your dog is affected, you certainly want to ...
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Vestibular syndrome in dogs – causes, symptoms and treatment

Vestibular syndrome is a condition that affects the dog’s vestibular system and causes various symptoms. In this text you will get important knowledge about the ...
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Changes in the musculoskeletal system of the dog in old age: a holistic approach

As dogs age, they, like humans, experience changes in their musculoskeletal system. These age-related changes happen very individually in terms of the pace of change ...
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Dein Hund wird älter und wird ruhiger? Ich gebe dir wertvolle Tipps für gemeinsame Aktivitäten mit deinem Hundesenior.

Slow down – activities with the dog senior – when interests and needs change

Dog senior Dog senior – From power package to connoisseur Their interests are also changing. This is something that is completely normal and we as ...
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Swimming in dogs – is it really healthy for every dog?

Many dog people think it is a great activity for any dog to be able to swim in the summer. It is refreshing and after ...
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Osteoarthritis in dogs: what plants help against pain

Osteoarthritis plays a very large role in the joint diseases of our dogs. It is also always important here to look at how to alleviate ...
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Pain memory in dogs – why it is so dangerous and how to treat it.

Pain in itself is unpleasant, but it has an important function in the dog’s body – and of course in the human body as well. ...
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Hoopers Agility – an ingenious, joint-friendly dog sport for every dog

Hoopers Agility also known as N.A.D.A.C Hoppers or simply Hoopers, is a dog sport that actually came to Europe from the USA. In Europe, more ...
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Vestibular syndrome – a reason to euthanize your dog?

Basically, it can affect any dog, but especially older dogs are affected by vestibular syndrome. From one moment to the next – usually overnight, they ...
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That’s how harmful it is to really “exercise” your dog on a regular basis

Dogs need to be exercised – so really, right? It’s been a big trend in recent years for dogs to (need to) be “exercised” on ...
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Back training for dogs – with these two exercises you strengthen the muscles and promote mobility

Many dogs have back problems in the course of their lives and dog owners want to support their four-legged friends with targeted back training for ...
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HAPPYFIT 2.0 Dog Fitness – free 6 day training plan and exercise instructions for your dog!

The topic of dog fitness and exercise training is becoming increasingly popular among dog owners. I have been passionate about it for a number of ...
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Dog fitness training vs. trick training – what are the differences?

Lately I have been asked more often where the difference is between dog fitness training or exercise training and trick training. Basically, the two don’t ...
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Vestibular syndrome – how to support the mobility of the dog

Vestibular syndrome is a condition that predominantly affects older dogs. For dog owners it is usually associated with a great fright, because the dog is ...
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Why performance pressure is out of place in exercise & fitness training for dogs

Recently, exercise training and dog fitness are experiencing a real hype. Basically, I am of course pleased that dog owners are concerned with the health ...
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Osteoarthritis = sparing? – Why it’s so important to keep your dog moving when he has joint problems

When dog owners receive a diagnosis of osteoarthritis in their dog, they are usually unsure what is still good for their dog in terms of ...
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Neurological problems in dogs – this is how you promote nerve conduction with stroking out the spaces between the toes

A whole range of back diseases also bring neurological problems at the same time. Common conditions closely associated with neurological problems typically include herniated discs, ...
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Toe joint arthrosis in dogs – when the paws hurt with every step

When a dog suffers from osteoarthritis in the toes – that is, arthritis of the toe joint – it is usually downplayed and trivialized. It’s ...
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Joint pain in dogs – when every step is uncomfortable

Joint pain in dogs is a topic that is gaining more and more awareness and importance. However, this was not always the case. Considering that ...
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Tessa is getting older – and she doesn’t care! – Dog aging process

What Tessa’s aging process changes for her & me old dog I have already written some professional articles on this blog about old dogs or ...
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Health check for older dogs – what is done and why it is indispensable.

Many dog people look at me with wide eyes when I recommend that their senior dog should have a regular health check for older dogs. ...
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How to move your dog properly after a herniated disc!

When a dog has suffered a herniated disc, the first thing you think is that he needs everything at that moment, but no movement. But ...
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Retterspitz – wrap – fast helper against joint pain in dogs

Joint diseases such as osteoarthritis or hip dysplasia are often painful for our dogs as well. Of course, no quadruped should suffer pain. I like ...
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6 valuable tips for the fall – how to help your dog with osteoarthritis

If a dog suffers from joint diseases such as osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia or spondylosis, fall is the time of year when joints often hurt and ...
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7 tips to make life easier for a dog with a disability!

If a dog has a disability, so you have to constantly adapt your life to the needs of the dog in everyday life. Many dog ...
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The dog in summer – swimming, exercise & employment – Summer Best Of

We are already in the middle of the vacation season and there are of course again great activities with our dogs on the program. Maybe ...
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These are the points to consider when exercising your dog in high summer temperatures – no ifs, ands or buts!

In my doggy fitness training group, the question was recently asked about how best to do it on these particularly warm days, in terms of ...
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MSM, Glucosamine & Chondroitin – 3 supplements to help your dog with joint problems.

If your dog suffers from joint problems, there are good ways to support him specifically with supplements. There is a wide variety of natural “helpers” ...
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4 Tips to get a dog with joint problems back in shape fast & what you should avoid!

Joint problems in dogs are an issue that affects almost every dog owner in the course of a dog’s life. Again and again dog owners ...
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How long can my old dog go for a walk and how much exercise does he need anyway?!

That’s a question I get asked all the time. But how much exercise is actually good for older dogs? And is it even possible to ...
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Muscle training dog: Isometric training of the front legs & shoulders

Isometric exercises are often considered rather boring and often fall behind in exercise training for dogs. Especially in times when people are told that exercise ...
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Guest article: Isometric training in dog training and behavioral training respectively

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you know that I’m a big fan of isometric exercises and always see the close interaction ...
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Advertisement: The Furbo dog camera – more safety for dog and owner when the four-legged friend is old and sick?!

Especially when our dogs get older or are also sick, it is very difficult for us to leave them alone. The worry that something could ...
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Cycling with dog – these things you should know!

Especially in spring and summer, cycling with the dog is a popular sporting activity. When done correctly, it’s a great workout for the dog. It ...
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Bone cancer in dogs – all the facts about the disease

Bone cancer is a common cancer in dogs. There’s no need to beat around the fact that the prognosis is extremely poor. However, it is ...
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Ginger for dogs – help with osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia & Co.

In humans, ginger has long been known to be healthy and healing. But what about the dog. Can you also give ginger to the dog? ...
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Red light in dogs – quick help for arthrosis, spondylosis & Co.

Especially in the cold winter months, joint diseases such as osteoarthritis, spondylosis, hip dysplasia & Co. cause our dogs a lot of trouble. Older dogs ...
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Vestibular syndrome in dogs – the most important behavior tips

Vestibular syndrome in dogs is a far more common condition in our four-legged friends than most think. After Snowy came down with vestibular syndrome at ...
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