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The dog in summer – swimming, exercise & employment – Summer Best Of

Der Hund im Sommer - worauf die achten solltest, wie du ihn richtig bewegst, alle Fakten zum Thema Schwimmen und Beschäftigungsideen findest du hier!

We are already in the middle of the vacation season and there are of course again great activities with our dogs on the program. Maybe you are just enjoying the time off from work and have time and desire to browse something. I had the idea to compile a kind of “summer best of” for you around the topic: dog in the summer. Therefore, I have summarized in this article a selection of different blog articles around this topic.

I would like to address a much-discussed topic right at the beginning. And that is about what you should consider in terms of exercise in the dog in high temperatures. This is one of my latest articles and maybe you have already read it. If not you can read on here, “These points to consider when exercising your dog in the summer!”

Your dog likes to swim? Then these items are perfect for you! Dog summer

The topic of swimming with dogs also plays a major role, especially in the warm months. Therefore, I do not only recommend my articles on the subject of “swimming” to you. In fact, here you should consider some points in favor of the health of your dog.

Here you can read more: “Swimming with a dog – these points you should consider”.

Since not every dog likes to swim, there are of course suitable alternatives here. Treading water, for example, is a great refreshment even for water-shy dogs – at the same time you offer your dog a joint-gentle workout in the cool water if he has joint problems. Even if it sounds “old-fashioned”, most dogs really enjoy wading through the water.

Here you can find the article about “Treading water with dog”. Dog summer

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know that exercise training is also very (and especially) close to my heart. Especially when it is a little warmer, the walks are often shorter. That is also very good! If you still want to keep your dog a little fit and you also want to keep him busy, I recommend my free Happyfit training plan. You can download it easily. I have summarized the appropriate exercise instructions for you in this article.

One of my most read blog articles is the one about the water rod. You can read about what that means, why it often occurs when dogs have been in the water, and how you can avoid it here, “Canine water rash – why it’s not just dogs that swim that get sick!”

Cycling & jogging with dog – there are also some things to consider here

In the summer, many dog owners are on the bike with their dogs or love to have him with them as a jogging partner. Can be done, but only under certain conditions. What you should pay attention to when jogging with dog, you can read here: “Jogging withdog”.If you are interested in the topic of cycling with dog, I have summarized all the important information for you here: “10 important facts about cycling with dog.”

So now you should have a wide range of summer reading around the topic of “The dog in summer” and the appropriate activities. I hope you can enjoy the articles quite comfortably in your hammock or deck chair – and certainly take away some inspiration on how to spend time with your dog.

PS: Doing nothing is also important! This is not only true for you, but also for your dog. Lazing around, letting a hot summer day just pass in the shade and eating a delicious ice cream – this should definitely be on the “agenda” more than once!

Dog summer

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