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4 Reasons why many joint diseases develop in puppyhood – and how you can avoid them!

Die Basis für viele Gelenkerkrankungen wird im Welpenalter geschaffen. Erfahre hier, weshalb das so ist und wie du es vermeiden kannst.

In the puppy and young dog period, few dog people think about the fact that their dog could develop problems with his joints. Everything is carefree, the dog is healthy and full of life energy and joy. However, the fact is that young dogs, on the one hand, can already suffer from joint disease. This classically includes conditions such as OCD of the shoulder, elbow dysplasia and also hip dysplasia. Joint diseases puppy age

But even if the young dog is healthy, the foundation for diseases of the musculoskeletal system can be created in puppy and young dog age, which then come to bear at a later time, or show symptomatically. This includes, for example, osteoarthritis. About 80% of all dogs develop joint arthrosis in the course of their lives. Often only at an advanced age. However, the disease often originates in the young dog owner.

How can this be? Joint diseases puppy age

There are factors over the course of a dog’s life that promote the development of joint problems such as osteoarthritis. These include, above all:

  1. Overweight
  2. Load limit is not respected
  3. Incorrect loading of the dog
  4. Incorrect diet

What can be done to avoid this?

  • Pay attention to the weight of your dog. Even if overweight in young dogs, this can cause osteoarthritis, spondylosis and other musculoskeletal diseases in advanced age.
  • Age appropriate exercise – walks should always be adapted to the age of the dog.
  • Long hikes and excessively rough terrain are taboo during the growth phase.
  • Running on the bike and also accompanying jogging should also be started only when the growth phase is completed.
  • You should not start into active dog sports until your dog has completed his growth. Before that, you can playfully get him used to the sport and prepare his body for it with movement and fitness training appropriate for young dogs. Joint diseases puppy age

These points are also important:

  • When playing with other puppies and young dogs, make sure your dog is physically up to it. It is best for him to have play partners who are physically equal to him, so as to avoid injuries from running over, etc.
  • Tight turns and short stops by throwing balls is poison for the joints and this must be avoided.
  • Your young dog should not be climbing stairs excessively. A few steps – completed slowly and deliberately – are no problem. However, your young dog shouldn’t have to walk to the third floor three times a day.
  • Respect your dog’s stress level. It is not necessary to physically exercise him to make him tired. Going beyond the physical stress limit immediately puts unnecessary strain on the joints.
  • Make sure you eat the right foods. Your dog should not be fed too nutritious, nor one-sided. In this article you will learn why. If you are unsure, I recommend consulting a nutritionist. Joint diseases puppy age

Were you already aware of how much you can influence the development of joint diseases already at a young age?

All the love, your Tina joint diseases puppy age

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