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Author: Doggy

Osteoarthritis in dogs: what plants help against pain

Osteoarthritis plays a very large role in the joint diseases of our dogs. It is also always important here to look at how to alleviate ...
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Rabbit hobbling and hip swaying in dogs – what joint disease it indicates

Have you ever seen a dog that hops its hind legs like a rabbit at a trot? At first glance, this looks cute in any ...
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The top 5 causes of cruciate ligament rupture in dogs

Why do so many dogs actually suffer a cruciate ligament rupture? What are the causes of this? And how to avoid it? These are questions ...
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The Achilles tendon rupture in dogs – causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options.

Have you ever heard of a ruptured Achilles tendon in a dog? The Achilles tendon is the strongest tendon in the body. It includes tendons ...
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How long is your dog allowed to walk? – how much is good, when does it become harmful? The most important factors

Many dog people ask me how long a dog is actually allowed to go for a walk, or what distances it is allowed to run ...
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Your dog is having surgery? – 12 important tips for preparation and for the first time after surgery that you should know

If your dog is having surgery for a musculoskeletal condition such as hip dysplasia or a herniated disc, there are usually some unique features and ...
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Weight bandages for dogs in dog fitness training – useful or dangerous?

Weight bandages for dogs, which are used in dog fitness training, are becoming increasingly popular. However, the use of weight bandages in dogs should be ...
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Pain memory in dogs – why it is so dangerous and how to treat it.

Pain in itself is unpleasant, but it has an important function in the dog’s body – and of course in the human body as well. ...
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Your dog can not sit properly? – What the sitting position says about the musculoskeletal system of your dog

When it comes to the diagnosis of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the gait of the dog is usually looked at. Rarely is there a ...
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Strengthen the nerve function in dogs – this is how!

When dogs suffer from back disorders, such as a herniated disc, cauda equina compression syndrome, spondylosis, nerve function is often disrupted. The cause here is ...
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Relieve tension in dogs from joint disease with massage – gentle help for pain

When our dogs suffer from joint diseases such as osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia or spondylosis, their joints often hurt. Especially when joint wear is far advanced ...
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Dog fitness – challenge dogs in a healthy way without overtaxing them

Dog fitness training is becoming more and more popular. Not without reason. It’s a great way for dog people to actively do something for their ...
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Blockages in the sacroiliac joint in dogs – origin, causes & symptoms

Our dogs, like us humans, can also get blockages. The sacroiliac joint, or ISG for short, is particularly frequently affected. What is the sacroiliac joint ...
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Muscle building in neurological diseases – how it works properly – and what is often done wrong!

Herniated discs, Cauda Equina Compression Syndrome, Wobbler Syndrome – these are just a few neurological conditions in dogs. Nowadays, we can not only diagnose them, ...
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4 Reasons why many joint diseases develop in puppyhood – and how you can avoid them!

In the puppy and young dog period, few dog people think about the fact that their dog could develop problems with his joints. Everything is ...
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Weather sensitivity in dogs – when arthrosis & Co. are particularly painful

Weather sensitivity in dogs – does it exist? Many dog owners perceive that their dog is worse in wet and cold weather. Lameness is more ...
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Hiking with dog – for which dog is it suitable, how to build it properly and avoid overload and injuries?

Hiking with a dog is an activity that many dog owners love. It is simply wonderful to explore nature together with your dog. But what ...
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Your dog does not play anymore? Pain can be the cause!

Pain in general and also joint pain in dogs is a topic that dog owners are becoming more and more aware of and take seriously. ...
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Arched back in the dog – this is the cause

Again and again you see dogs that show a distinctly arched back, combined with a very stiff posture and gait. In many cases, this occurs ...
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Improve gait in dogs with step training

When dogs show abnormalities in gait, it is often difficult and lengthy to improve these non-physiological movements. Particularly after operations or chronic diseases such as ...
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Therefore, puppies and young dogs should not jump (for fun)!

Again and again I see videos in which puppies and young dogs jump over hurdles or other obstacles. Often just for fun. But this can ...
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That’s why osteoarthritis doesn’t always cause pain – but is still there!

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common joint diseases in dogs. Most dogs develop osteoarthritis in the course of their lives. Most often, the joints ...
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Does your dog shake normally? So right from the front to the back?

Maybe you have never really consciously asked yourself this question and therefore never consciously looked at how your dog shakes. At first it sounds very ...
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Too fast growth in puppies and young dogs – this is how harmful it is for your dog!

Did you know that if a puppy or young dog grows too fast, it can result in lifelong musculoskeletal disorders? I am always amazed at ...
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Avoid surgery in dogs with dog physiotherapy – is it possible?

In general, surgery in a dog is always a procedure that is more or less invasive and involves various risks. Keyword anesthesia risk. Surgery cannot ...
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Hoopers Agility – an ingenious, joint-friendly dog sport for every dog

Hoopers Agility also known as N.A.D.A.C Hoppers or simply Hoopers, is a dog sport that actually came to Europe from the USA. In Europe, more ...
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When the dog jumps – these are the effects on the forehand

Whether in the forest over tree trunks or sometimes over smaller ditches and obstacles – almost every dog owner has let his dog jump. Regular ...
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Dog sports – “High-Impact” and “Low-Impact” sports – these are the differences

In recent years, the world of dog sports has not only changed a lot, but has also grown a lot. But it is not only ...
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Dog on three legs – this is what changes for a dog after an amputation and this is how you can support it

When dog owners learn that their dog will need a barrel amputation, the shock is usually great at first. No wonder, an amputation is a ...
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Vestibular syndrome – a reason to euthanize your dog?

Basically, it can affect any dog, but especially older dogs are affected by vestibular syndrome. From one moment to the next – usually overnight, they ...
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How to avoid muscular imbalances and tension through footwork in dog sports

In many dog sports, emphasis is placed on footwork. This means that the dog runs on the left side of the handler. Ideally, the dog’s ...
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The dog rod – much more than a mood barometer

We associate the dog’s tail primarily with one of our dogs’ many “means of communication.” Depending on the mood and situation, the rod is used ...
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That’s how harmful it is to really “exercise” your dog on a regular basis

Dogs need to be exercised – so really, right? It’s been a big trend in recent years for dogs to (need to) be “exercised” on ...
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Back training for dogs – with these two exercises you strengthen the muscles and promote mobility

Many dogs have back problems in the course of their lives and dog owners want to support their four-legged friends with targeted back training for ...
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HAPPYFIT 2.0 Dog Fitness – free 6 day training plan and exercise instructions for your dog!

The topic of dog fitness and exercise training is becoming increasingly popular among dog owners. I have been passionate about it for a number of ...
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This is how you as a dog owner can specifically support your dog after a torn ligament!

When a dog suffers a torn ligament, the question often arises as to what can be actively done as a dog owner to support the ...
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Torn ligament in dog – causes, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment

Torn ligaments in dogs are one of the most common injuries in dog sports. The dog’s body has a variety of ligaments that provide stability ...
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Dog fitness training vs. trick training – what are the differences?

Lately I have been asked more often where the difference is between dog fitness training or exercise training and trick training. Basically, the two don’t ...
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Strain in dogs – how it occurs, what it means and how to treat it.

Just like us humans, dogs can also pull a muscle. Maybe you know it, that your dog just ran happily and wildly with his dog ...
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Vestibular syndrome – how to support the mobility of the dog

Vestibular syndrome is a condition that predominantly affects older dogs. For dog owners it is usually associated with a great fright, because the dog is ...
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Why performance pressure is out of place in exercise & fitness training for dogs

Recently, exercise training and dog fitness are experiencing a real hype. Basically, I am of course pleased that dog owners are concerned with the health ...
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Osteoarthritis = sparing? – Why it’s so important to keep your dog moving when he has joint problems

When dog owners receive a diagnosis of osteoarthritis in their dog, they are usually unsure what is still good for their dog in terms of ...
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Neurological problems in dogs – this is how you promote nerve conduction with stroking out the spaces between the toes

A whole range of back diseases also bring neurological problems at the same time. Common conditions closely associated with neurological problems typically include herniated discs, ...
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Healthy dog sports – your dog’s health in mind! Interview at dog sport Nubi

The topic of dog sports – and especially healthy dog sports – is something I encounter again and again and more and more as a ...
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How good dog training is built and why it’s important that your dog is doing well in the process! – Guest article by Anne Bucher

In many of my blog articles I have already looked at the topic of pain from different angles. It is a broad subject area and ...
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Dog massage made easy with the massage glove – instructions for dog owners

Many dog owners are very interested in the subject of dog massage. But they don’t always want to venture into real massages. You don’t always ...
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2 effective exercises to strengthen your dog’s coordination and body awareness

Many dogs, surprisingly, have relatively poor body awareness and body consciousness. For them, their body stops behind the torso. This inevitably leads to uneven loading ...
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Fitness training for dogs – why balance pads & co. should not be used for fun

Fitness training in dogs is always inevitably associated with balance pads and balance boards in all colors and sizes. But why actually?! I thought long ...
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Toe joint arthrosis in dogs – when the paws hurt with every step

When a dog suffers from osteoarthritis in the toes – that is, arthritis of the toe joint – it is usually downplayed and trivialized. It’s ...
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Joint pain in dogs – when every step is uncomfortable

Joint pain in dogs is a topic that is gaining more and more awareness and importance. However, this was not always the case. Considering that ...
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