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Tag: Osteoarthritis dog

Cavaletti Training für Hunde - was es ist und weshalb es für jeden Hund perfekt ist - auch für Seniorhunde, bei Hüftdysplasie, Arthrose & Co.

Cavaletti training for dogs – what it is, how it works & tips for setting it up

I’ll keep it short: Cavaletti training for dogs is really suitable for every dog. Whether you have a young, energetic puppy or an experienced, older ...
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Your dog is losing muscle? – these are possible causes and treatment options

Maybe you have already noticed it in your own dog or you have seen it in other dogs: The dog is poorly muscled in one ...
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Dog fitness for your dog’s forehand – 3 active exercises for musculature and mobility

In diseases of the dog’s forehand, such as elbow dysplasia or OCD of the shoulder, it is very important to maintain joint mobility. The musculature ...
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Bandages and orthotics for dogs – how they work and provide more stability for joints

The orthopedic field for dogs is developing more and more and so especially the fields of orthotics and bandages for dogs have developed rapidly. What ...
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Methylsulfonylmethane – MSM – food supplement for your dog’s joints.

When a dog suffers from joint problems, dog owners are often looking for a dietary supplement that can actively support the dog’s joints. I think ...
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Exercise training for osteoarthritis in dogs – these 3 active exercises promote joint mobility and strengthen the muscles

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common joint diseases in dogs. The joints that bear most of the body’s weight are often affected. These include ...
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Your dog has osteoarthritis? Tips for sensible arthritis management!

“Managing” osteoarthritis in dogs is something that causes a lot of problems for most dog owners. Because osteoarthritis can really be an “ass”. Even if ...
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The dog’s knee joint – why it’s particularly prone to joint problems & how you can strengthen it as a dog owner

The dog’s knee joint is probably the most complex joint in the dog. In addition, along with the elbow and hip joints, it is one ...
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Gelenkschmerzen beim Hund treten häufig auf und beeinträchtigen unsere Hunde. Erfahre hier, woran du sie erkennst und was du tun kannst.

Joint pain in dogs: Important signs and what you can do!

Your dog is an important part of the family, and it is our common goal to ensure that he is always well. One of the ...
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Cow hessianism in dogs due to muscular imbalance – causes, consequences and treatment

Cow hessianism in dog What is the effect of cowhessianity in dogs? Incorrect alignment of the hip and knee joints, as just described, does not ...
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X-legs in dogs – causes and consequences

X-legs in dogs Great Dane Irish Wolfhound Great Swiss Mountain Dog Newfoundland Mastiff Saint Bernard The causes of knock knees in dogs Incidentally, the malposition ...
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Relieve tension in dogs from joint disease with massage – gentle help for pain

When our dogs suffer from joint diseases such as osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia or spondylosis, their joints often hurt. Especially when joint wear is far advanced ...
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4 Reasons why many joint diseases develop in puppyhood – and how you can avoid them!

In the puppy and young dog period, few dog people think about the fact that their dog could develop problems with his joints. Everything is ...
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Weather sensitivity in dogs – when arthrosis & Co. are particularly painful

Weather sensitivity in dogs – does it exist? Many dog owners perceive that their dog is worse in wet and cold weather. Lameness is more ...
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Your dog does not play anymore? Pain can be the cause!

Pain in general and also joint pain in dogs is a topic that dog owners are becoming more and more aware of and take seriously. ...
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That’s why osteoarthritis doesn’t always cause pain – but is still there!

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common joint diseases in dogs. Most dogs develop osteoarthritis in the course of their lives. Most often, the joints ...
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Avoid surgery in dogs with dog physiotherapy – is it possible?

In general, surgery in a dog is always a procedure that is more or less invasive and involves various risks. Keyword anesthesia risk. Surgery cannot ...
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When the dog jumps – these are the effects on the forehand

Whether in the forest over tree trunks or sometimes over smaller ditches and obstacles – almost every dog owner has let his dog jump. Regular ...
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Dog sports – “High-Impact” and “Low-Impact” sports – these are the differences

In recent years, the world of dog sports has not only changed a lot, but has also grown a lot. But it is not only ...
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6 valuable tips for the fall – how to help your dog with osteoarthritis

If a dog suffers from joint diseases such as osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia or spondylosis, fall is the time of year when joints often hurt and ...
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Ginger for dogs – help with osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia & Co.

In humans, ginger has long been known to be healthy and healing. But what about the dog. Can you also give ginger to the dog? ...
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2 anti-inflammatory supplements for dogs – rosehip & sea buckthorn berry

There is a great variety of helpers from nature in the form of medicinal plants and also a wide range of anti-inflammatory supplements for dogs. ...
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Swimming with a dog – these 10 points you should consider!

Swimming with dog is a popular activity in the hot summer months. Many dogs love to swim and frolic in the cool water. A welcome ...
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4 helpful tips to prevent joint problems in dogs – Part II

There are many different ways to prevent joint problems in our dogs. Many of them you can easily implement in everyday life. Already in the ...
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4 helpful tips to prevent joint problems in dogs – Part I

Is there actually the possibility to prevent joint problems in dogs? Absolutely! But even if your four-legged friend is already suffering from joint disease, you ...
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Relieve pain in dogs with hot packs, red light & Co.

Relieving pain in dogs is a big topic. But sometimes you can also prevent the administration of painkillers – and if so, how?! Absolutely! With ...
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Patellar luxation – These 9 important symptoms you should know!

Patellar luxation is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders in dogs. But just as often it is “overlooked” by the dog owner, or the ...
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Cruciate ligament rupture in dogs – the main symptoms

Cruciate ligament rupture in dogs is a common joint disease. It is usually the anterior cruciate ligament that tears. For a cruciate ligament tear to ...
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Osteoarthritis in dogs – the main symptoms

Osteoarthritis in dogs is one of the most common joint diseases. This is a chronic, progressive change in the joint that limits function. Various causes ...
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7 tips on how to delay the aging process of your dog

Is it possible to prevent a dog from growing old? No, we cannot prevent our dogs from getting older. The last article was already about ...
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Old dog – 7 things with which you support him in everyday life

We dog people all have to deal with the subject of “old dogs” sooner or later. It’s not always easy to see that our four-legged ...
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