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Joint pain in dogs: Important signs and what you can do!

Gelenkschmerzen beim Hund treten häufig auf und beeinträchtigen unsere Hunde. Erfahre hier, woran du sie erkennst und was du tun kannst.

Your dog is an important part of the family, and it is our common goal to ensure that he is always well. One of the most common health problems our dogs suffer from is joint disease and the associated joint pain. These can range from slight discomfort to severe pain. In this blog article, I will introduce you to important signs of joint pain in dogs so that you can react early if your dog needs help.

Why is it important to recognize joint pain in dogs?

Joint pain in dogs can occur for a variety of reasons, such as joint diseases like osteoarthritis or hip dysplasia, including age-related wear and tear, genetic predisposition, injury or inflammatory diseases like arthritis. Recognizing these signs is crucial, as untreated joint pain can lead to considerable suffering and reduced quality of life. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can alleviate the pain and restore your dog’s mobility.

The most important signs of joint pain in dogs

  1. Lameness or limping: A clear sign of joint pain is if your dog is limping or limping. This can manifest itself differently depending on the joint affected and the severity of the pain. Watch out for changes in his gait.
  2. Difficulty standing up: If your dog has difficulty getting up from a lying position, this may indicate pain in the joints. You may notice that he gets up more slowly or even whimpers.
  3. Limited mobility: Dogs with joint pain often show limited mobility. They jump less, don’t like walking up and down stairs or avoid stretching.
  4. Muscle loss: The muscles around the affected joint or the entire affected leg become weaker.
  5. Tense muscles_ Tension can occur in overloaded areas of the body due to poor posture and incorrect posture.
  6. Stiffness: Stiffness after getting up or after long periods of rest is a common sign of joint pain. The dog looks as if it has “teething problems”.
  7. Expressions of pain: Watch for signs of pain, such as moaning, whimpering or whining, when your dog moves, stands up or lies down. Some dogs lick the painful areas more often.
  8. Loss of appetite and weight loss: Joint pain can also affect your dog’s appetite. If he is eating less and losing weight, this could be related to the pain.
  9. Aggressive behavior: A dog that is normally friendly may react aggressively when touched in the affected areas due to pain. This is a sign that he wants to avoid painful reactions.
  10. Difficulty climbing stairs: A sudden unwillingness to climb stairs may indicate joint pain. This can manifest itself in the form of hesitation or inability to walk up the stairs.
  11. Changes in sleeping behavior: Dogs with joint pain may have difficulty finding a comfortable sleeping position. You may notice that your dog sleeps more restlessly or changes sleeping position more often.
  12. Avoidance of activities: Dogs with joint pain tend to avoid activities that they used to enjoy, such as playing, running around or going for a walk. You may also be reluctant to move.

What can you do if you have signs of joint pain?

If you notice signs of joint pain in your dog, it is important to act immediately. The first step is always to consult your vet. They can diagnose the cause of the pain. It is then important to see which treatment options make sense for your dog. Depending on the case, this can be a combination of medication, physiotherapy, weight management, support from medicinal plants and a special diet.

There are also a few things you can do to help your dog:

  • Adjust movement: Adjust your dog’s movement to take the strain off his joints. Avoids excessive strain and supports gentle, regular activities. Gentle and joint-friendly dog fitness training is a suitable support for relieving joint pain.
  • Orthopaedic dog bed: An orthopaedic dog bed can help to reduce pressure on the joints and provide your dog with better sleeping comfort.
  • Weight control: Make sure that your dog is not overweight, as excess weight puts strain on the joints.
  • Help from nature: medicinal plants and dietary supplements offer very good support for relieving joint pain. Learn how to do it here.
  • Canine physiotherapy: Physiotherapy can relieve pain gently and sustainably. In addition, the dog’s body is not only treated symptomatically, but also considered and treated as a whole. Physiotherapy also strengthens the muscles and improves the dog’s mobility, for example. An experienced animal physiotherapist can help here.
  • Heat and cold therapy: Heat and cold therapy, as well as compresses, can relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Learn how to do it here: relieve joint pain.
  • Did you know that you can also relieve joint pain with gentle massages? Painful substances are removed, mobility is improved and, of course, tension in the muscles is reduced.

Your love and care is crucial to give your dog a pain-free and happy life. Pay attention to the signs of joint pain and do not hesitate to seek professional help. With timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment, your dog can continue to lead a full and active life.

Would you like to learn more about pain in dogs and how to reliably recognize signs of pain? Then sign up for my free mini course “Recognizing signs of pain in dogs – incl. Checklist” on!

All love,

Yours Tina

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