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Dog fitness for your dog’s forehand – 3 active exercises for musculature and mobility

In diseases of the dog’s forehand, such as elbow dysplasia or OCD of the shoulder, it is very important to maintain joint mobility. The musculature should also be kept stable, because weak muscles in turn have a detrimental effect on the joint. At the same time, an even load on both front legs should be trained and normal movement patterns so that the dog can cope well with its joint disease and the progression of the disease is stopped. However, even in sporting dogs, body parts are specifically trained. Dog fitness for the forehand of the dog

Active movement exercises are particularly suitable for joint diseases as well as for prevention or in sports. Through active cooperation and movement, the dog trains its movements and perceives them consciously. In addition to better mobility and good muscles, dog and owner also have an exciting activity together at the same time. For this reason, I present here a series of active movement exercises that specifically train the forehand and shoulder girdle. Active movement exercises are not about a particularly high level of complexity, but about the dog performing the movement as precisely, slowly and concentrated as possible. Even very simple appearing movement sequences have a high training effect.

Here’s what to look for in training: Dog fitness for the forehand of the dog

When training, make sure your dog is on a non-slip surface, take your time with him and focus solely on the exercises. Please be patient with your dog and don’t expect perfection from the first moment. The way is the goal and your dog should above all enjoy the exercises.

Giving paw dog fitness for the forehand of the dog

Trained areas: Forelegs and shoulders


Giving paw is not only a lot of fun for your dog, it’s also great for encouraging elbow mobility. In addition, you train the muscles of the front leg and the coordination of your dog. Dog fitness for the forehand of the dog

When not to: for stiffened elbow joints


Your dog is in a sit, you squat in front of him and you look at each other. Encourage your dog to put his paw in your hand. To add some variety and demand to the exercise and to encourage joint mobility, offer your dog your hand at different and varying heights, all the way up to a high-five. Have both paws given to you alternately.


If your dog cannot or does not want to sit during the exercise, he can also give the paw while lying or standing. If your dog is confident and experienced with the exercise, you can also do the exercise on a flexible surface.

Seat Place Transfer

Body areas trained: Musculature of the forelegs, pectorals, shoulders and back Dog fitness for the dog’s forelegs


The sit-to-stand transfer is a strength training exercise for the front legs, chest muscles and shoulders. Indirectly, the back is also trained. In addition, the joint mobility of the front legs is promoted.

When not

Stiffened joints

How to do dog fitness for the forehand of the dog

Your dog is in the basic place position. At the same time it should lie straight and not comfortably slipped on its side. Now you give him the signal to change from sit to down. You can also support the word signal with a hand movement and a treat that you lead up in front of his nose. Then reward him when he is in the seat.

The goal is for your dog to stay in position with hind legs as much as possible and for the movement to come purely from the forehand. By standing quite close to him, you support this. From the sit you can now bring him back into place and repeat the exercise.

If your dog has a hard time staying in one position with his hind paws, a target under his hind paws can help.

Isometric training forehand

Trained body areas: Musculature of the front legs, shoulders and torso, chest muscles


Strengthening the muscles of the chest, front legs, shoulders and trunk. At the same time, body awareness, balance and coordination are trained. With isometric exercises you train the muscles very effectively. It is a special form of strength training, because you tense the muscles without having to move them or a joint to do it. Your dog is working against hand resistance or gravity.

When not

No restriction dog fitness for the forehand of the dog


For advanced users e.g. balance pad, cushion, trampoline, compliant surface

Here’s how

Starting position for all variations: Your dog is standing on a flat, non-slip surface.

Variation A: You squat in front of your dog so that you look at each other. Place your hands on the sides of your dog’s shoulders. Apply light, steady pressure to the shoulder with your left hand until you feel your dog tense the muscles and resist. Hold this position for the time specified in the training plan without rebounding or increasing the pressure. Slowly release and apply light pressure to the other shoulder with your right hand until you feel your dog tense the muscles and counter. Hold this position again for the time indicated in the training plan and then slowly release.

Variation B: Place your hands on your dog’s chest and apply light pressure as if you were pushing him away from you. Hold the pressure again for the time specified in the training plan.

It is important that the pressure you apply is very fine and never happens in a jerky way. Give your dog a chance to loosen up in between.

Variation dog fitness for the forehand of the dog

If your dog is confident with the exercise, you can also do it on a soft surface such as a pillow, balance pad. This significantly enhances the training effect.

Please always keep in mind your dog’s daily form when training regularly. Even our four-legged friends are not in the same good shape every day. Never work with pressure and do not force your dog into a position. The fun of training should always be in the foreground. If he has difficulty with an exercise, please take it seriously and get to the bottom of it.

I hope you enjoy the active movement exercises for your dog’s forehand presented here! Dog fitness for the forehand of the dog

All the love, your Tina

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