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Tag: Exercise training dog

Your dog is losing muscle? – these are possible causes and treatment options

Maybe you have already noticed it in your own dog or you have seen it in other dogs: The dog is poorly muscled in one ...
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How do you find the right fitness exercises for your dog? – this is what you should pay attention to

Again and again I am contacted by dog owners who are looking for fitness exercises for their dog. A wide variety of training tools such ...
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Dog fitness for your dog’s forehand – 3 active exercises for musculature and mobility

In diseases of the dog’s forehand, such as elbow dysplasia or OCD of the shoulder, it is very important to maintain joint mobility. The musculature ...
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3 Stretching exercises for your dog – perfect also for the warm up

Stretching exercises in dogs are not only useful in dog sports for warming up and form an important part of the warm up. At the ...
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Your dog has osteoarthritis? Tips for sensible arthritis management!

“Managing” osteoarthritis in dogs is something that causes a lot of problems for most dog owners. Because osteoarthritis can really be an “ass”. Even if ...
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The right substrate in exercise and fitness training for dogs – why it is so important!

Actually, I never really planned to take up this topic in a blog post. But it’s actually still pretty common that I see a lot ...
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Cavaletti training for dogs – how it works and what it brings to your dog

Cavaletti training for dogs – it exists? I still get a lot of wide-eyed looks when I tell dog people about cavaletti training and how ...
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Physiotherapeutic Dog Fitness Training: A holistic approach to promoting your dog’s health and well-being.

If we want our dogs to be as mobile as possible throughout their lives, then walks alone are not enough. Various factors have an influence ...
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Improve gait in dogs with step training

When dogs show abnormalities in gait, it is often difficult and lengthy to improve these non-physiological movements. Particularly after operations or chronic diseases such as ...
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HAPPYFIT 2.0 Dog Fitness – free 6 day training plan and exercise instructions for your dog!

The topic of dog fitness and exercise training is becoming increasingly popular among dog owners. I have been passionate about it for a number of ...
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Why performance pressure is out of place in exercise & fitness training for dogs

Recently, exercise training and dog fitness are experiencing a real hype. Basically, I am of course pleased that dog owners are concerned with the health ...
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Your dog does not like to swim or is not allowed to? – Treading water for dogs – the alternative

Treading water for dogs is becoming more and more popular. But why actually? Dogs can swim, right? Plus, it sounds mind-numbing. But they do exist, ...
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Spinal cord infarction in dogs – how to help them with physiotherapy

The last blog post was already about spinal cord infarction in dogs and its development as well as symptoms. In this article you will get ...
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4 helpful tips to prevent joint problems in dogs – Part II

There are many different ways to prevent joint problems in our dogs. Many of them you can easily implement in everyday life. Already in the ...
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4 helpful tips to prevent joint problems in dogs – Part I

Is there actually the possibility to prevent joint problems in dogs? Absolutely! But even if your four-legged friend is already suffering from joint disease, you ...
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The walk as a training unit for your dog – “Trimm-Dich” for four-legged friends

You want to make the walk with your dog not only exciting, but also at the same time have the opportunity to do something for ...
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Balance training for dogs – How to promote balance and body awareness

Good balance and body awareness does not come naturally to every dog. There are dogs that move precisely already as a young dog and again ...
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Mini workout – 3 simple exercises to keep your dog fit even in the heat

The high temperatures are also very hard on our four-legged friends. The walks are often shorter. But you can still make sure your dog stays ...
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