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The right substrate in exercise and fitness training for dogs – why it is so important!

Actually, I never really planned to take up this topic in a blog post. But it’s actually still pretty common that I see a lot of photos and videos of training with the dog on bare tile floors, parquet or laminate. You can see that the dog has his dear trouble to perform the exercise to some extent and dog owners who are surprised that the exercise does not really work precisely. But how can it be, if the dog trains with his paws on a surface that has zero grip?! Underground dog fitness

Fancy a little self-test? Underground dog fitness

To make a comparison, you could try doing a Pilates exercise yourself with socks on a smooth surface. Even if you don’t try it yourself, you can imagine what it will probably look like. In any case, it should have a similar effect as when the dog exercises on a smooth surface.

What about the efficiency of training on a smooth surface?

By the way, not only in terms of the precision of the exercise, but also the training effect. That’s because it doesn’t happen. In such physical tension, neither physiological movements, nor active muscle development or increase of mobility are possible. Underground dog fitness

On the contrary, the dog tenses up in his posture and in trying to get the exercise reasonably over with, and his muscles tense up. More. In the worst case, you risk injury. Your dog can slip or fall. The result can be, for example, pulled muscles, bruises or injuries to ligaments and tendons. Therefore: a reasonable surface during dog fitness training is indispensable!

Extra knowledge: The same applies to the case when dogs are to perform exercises on training utensils that are far too small.

Other unsuitable substrates

You might think to yourself: well, on asphalt then. It’s grippy, isn’t it? That may be, somehow at least. But training that is easy on the joints is not really possible, because asphalt floor is just hard. There is no damping at all.

What I also see over and over again at workshops and in videos are thin “trade show carpets” that are sturdy, but again, there is no cushioning at all. But it is just as important for the dog’s joints.

Ideas for good training ground:

  • In the house, you can exercise on carpet. However, it is important here that it is non-slip.
  • Yoga mats can also be used in training. You should look for high quality mats that are non-slip and also big enough for your dog.
  • Floor puzzle mats (widely used in children’s supplies). These mats should also be thick enough and non-slip.
  • Artificial turf is also usually good for training.

What else is important when choosing a substrate? Underground dog fitness

Basically, the chosen surface should not only be non-slip, but also provide enough surface for the dog to move easily on it. For successful and healthy movement training, a good surface that provides sufficient support and has a certain cushioning function is also absolutely essential. If the dog is continually busy trying to find a foothold and/or is also training on a poorly cushioned surface, precise execution of the exercise is not possible and is also not gentle on the joints. That the surface is thick enough and has a cushioning effect on the joints, by the way, is important not only if your dog already suffers from joint problems, but also for healthy dog joints.

So, if you want to do healthy exercise training with your dog, it is also worth paying attention to an appropriate surface. It has a significant influence on how effective and also gentle the training is. A good training surface has another great effect for your training with your dog. When your dog associates this substrate with your training sessions together, you ritualize your training, which has a positive effect on your bond and also on your dog’s focus. He knows what’s coming up and can mentally adjust to it. This way he trains safer and more concentrated.

What surface do you use in training with your dog? Feel free to share your experiences with me in the comments!

All the love, your Tina

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