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The walk as a training unit for your dog – “Trimm-Dich” for four-legged friends

Erfahre, wie du den Spaziergang mit deinem Hund spannend gestaltest und gleichzeitig etwas für seine Gesundheit und Fitness tust!

You want to make the walk with your dog not only exciting, but also at the same time have the opportunity to do something for his health and fitness? It’s quite simple and you can use a lot of things of the environment and nature to use your walking path as a trim trail.

Targeted and regular exercise are equally important for healthy, older and also for dogs with musculoskeletal disorders. This is the only way to prevent your dog from losing muscle and limiting mobility. The cardiovascular system also needs exercise. The only exception is: your dog has been prescribed strict rest.

This is not about you and your dog covering as much distance as possible. Because your dog is terribly bored of walking the same route, the same trees with the same smells every day. After all, we don’t read the same newspaper every day. It’s all about fun and excitement, variety and joy! Joie de vivre! You can also experience this on short distances!

“Get in shape” for your dog on your walks

Today I’ve put together a few tips for you to easily turn your walk into a trim trail – and do something for your dog’s health and fitness along the way.

Uphill Downhill Training Walk Dog

Uphill-downhill training is a good strength workout that you can incorporate into your walk. By running uphill you train the muscles of the hind legs and the belly in your dog. Running downhill exercises the front legs and the muscles of the trunk. The back muscles are also strengthened. It also helps your dog use a barrel he is sparing more and regain confidence in his leg.

For this exercise, you’ll take your dog on a leash so you can control the pace and direction. The slower your dog moves, the greater the training effect. Therefore, your dog should walk at a pace if possible. Now lead your dog alternately up and down the slope, or zigzag your way up and down the slope. By the way, a gentle slope, embankment or the like is enough.

Running over different surfaces

Running over different surfaces is very good for training your dog’s coordination, balance and good body awareness. It also supports proprioception. This refers to the perception of the movements and position of the body and individual body parts in space, i.e. the body’s own perception. At the same time your dog is animated to use all paws evenly and a normal movement sequence is trained. The nerves are also stimulated by the changing surfaces. Walk dog

Take your dog on a leash and slowly lead him over the different surfaces as you encounter them on your walk. Your dog should walk at a pace so that he is aware of the changing surfaces and balances out any unevenness. Suitable surfaces are for example: asphalt, forest soil even with roots, gravel roads, dirt roads, a plowed field and sandy soil.

The exercise session for your dog in the forest and field

In the forest, you can let your dog climb over branches or walk around tree stumps. This way you do something for his mobility. The training effect is equal to that of hurdling and slalom running.

Even for your “everyday” rounds, there are exercises that will not only challenge your dog mentally, but you will also be doing something for your dog’s agility. Let him sit down in between, give paw, lie down and stand up again. You have bollards on your walk? Let your dog walk around them. Curbs or other elevations? Great! You can take your dog down and back up alternately. These exercises are good for flexibility and coordination.

All of this can happen very slowly and at your dog’s pace, and always in a healthy dosage as well. It’s not about speed and perfection. It’s all about fun, excitement, variety and exercise. Walk dog

By the way, for a dog in pain with arthrosis a soft, elastic surface like in the forest is much more pleasant than hard, rigid asphalt.

You see, there are no limits to your imagination on your walk! And your dog will have great fun with the variety. Now it’s your turn: you have more ideas how to make your walks exciting and motivate your dog? Share them with me! I am totally excited!

All the love, your Tina

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