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Free webinar on osteoarthritis in dogs -
Learn to support gently and sustainably

Do you have a dog that suffers from osteoarthritis and would like to learn more about the condition and how you can best accompany and support your dog? In the free webinar on osteoarthritis in dogs, you will learn from me what it means when dogs suffer from osteoarthritis, what you should consider in everyday life, important go’s and no-go’s and how you can actively support your dog. The free webinar will give you some important initial ideas and you will learn about easy-to-implement measures to actively support your dog with arthrosis – for maximum quality of life despite joint problems.

Just click the button and sign up for 0 euros!

THE platform for dog physiotherapy by expert Martina Flocken, also known from

My name is

Glad to have you here!

I am a dog physiotherapist and book author. Welcome to Doggy Fitness. Dog physiotherapy has been my passion for many years now and I have been privileged to help many dogs gain more pain-free mobility. My guiding principle is “movement is life”. I am joined by Tessa, who you will also see in my online courses. We have been going through life together for many years now. For me, she is the best proof of how much our dogs benefit when we humans take care of their health. Thanks to dog fitness training, gentle massages and supportive measures from nature such as medicinal plants, she is still really fit even at 13 years old. I show you in my courses how you can achieve this with your dog. And it doesn’t matter if you have a healthy dog that you want to support preventively, or a dog with a musculoskeletal condition, or a senior dog. I look forward to seeing you in one of my classes.

Does that sound familiar?

Then you are exactly right here!

The free webinar on osteoarthritis in dogs offers you the perfect introduction to structured and sustainable support for your dog suffering from osteoarthritis.

What you can expect in the FREE webinar

Take part in the webinar on osteoarthritis in dogs for FREE now

Sign up now and improve your dog's health effectively and sustainably!

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