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Online courses physiotherapy dog fitness training

Developed by the cert. Dog physiotherapist Martina Flocken – sustainable training success for your dog’s health.

Online courses physiotherapy dog fitness training

Physiotherapeutic dog fitness training with concept and structure

In order for dog fitness training to have a lasting effect, to be healthy and for your dog to make progress, a needs-oriented training concept is required. Here you will find online courses for physiotherapeutic dog fitness training, for various diseases of the musculoskeletal system for
Dog seniors and for prevention at different stages of your dog’s life. I will show you exactly which exercises you can use to support your dog properly and according to his physical needs. In detailed video instructions you will learn exactly how to perform the exercises correctly and what you need to pay attention to. Thanks to professional training concepts and training plans, exercises build on each other sensibly and are optimally combined. You always know exactly the maximum amount of training you should do with your dog. Of course, for a healthy and safe training with good progress, you will get comprehensive knowledge about dog fitness training.

You are unsure which course is the right one for your dog? Feel free to contact me and together we will choose the right course for your dog’s needs.


The SchnellFIT online course is the ideal introduction to the world of dog fitness, to actively support the health of your dog. The course offers a selected Combination of exercises with professional instructions and training plans that provide a enable easy entry into exercise training. Even if you have no experience in movement training, you will get an insight and learn the basics. During the course you will gain your first experience in dog fitness training and will determine how good it does your dog.

Dog fitness online courses for joint and back diseases and for senior dogs.


Is your dog showing the signs of age? Walks become
shorter and everyday movements become more difficult? The muscles become less and joints
rust in? You wish that your dog can grow old mobile and free of complaints? I
help you with it! In my SeniorFIT online course, I’ll show you how to get started with regular
training units of a few minutes, with my easy to implement training concept, your
mobilize your dog with a gentle whole-body workout, improve nerve function,
improve movement patterns and strengthen his muscles.


Your dog suffers from arthritis and this is noticeable during your walks?
His movements seem stiff and are difficult for him? You want to monitor the progression of
Stop osteoarthritis and give your dog permanent relief?
In my ArthroseFIT course, I will show you how you can get back on track with regular workouts of
and my easy-to-implement training concept, you can improve the joints of your body.
mobilize your dog step by step. Improve through an effective whole body workout
movement sequences, joint pain is relieved and the musculature is strengthened.


Your dog suffers from a like spondylosis, cauda equina or a herniated disc
and they make themselves felt on the walk and everyday movements? He has
Coordination problems, drags with the paws or the musculature is weakened? You
want to get his back problems under control? In the backFIT course show
I’ll show you how to get started with regular workouts, using my easy-to-implement
training concept, gently mobilize his back and hindquarters with an effective workout, improve nerve function and movement patterns, and strengthen muscles.


Your dog has hip dysplasia or osteoarthritis and it’s noticeable in everyday life and on walks? Your dog shows abnormalities in gait such as lameness, LSÜ twist or rabbit hobbling? You want to actively support your dog and get his hip problems under control? In my HipFIT course, I show you how to actively mobilize your dog’s hindquarters with effective training, improve movement patterns, relieve joint pain and strengthen his muscles with regular training sessions of just a few minutes, using my easy-to-implement training concept.


Your dog has elbow dysplasia or arthritis or OCD of the shoulder? His gait is not round, his forehand muscles are weak and he moves stiff-legged? Despite his illness, your dog should live free of complaints and not “rust”? I will help you with it! In my ForeFIT course, I show you how to effectively mobilize your dog’s forehand, strengthen his forehand, improve movement patterns and alleviate discomfort with regular training sessions of just a few minutes, using my easy-to-implement training concept.


Your dog suffers from a patellar luxation, a cruciate ligament rupture or osteoarthritis in the knee and his gait is not round? The musculature is not good and he moves stiff-legged? In my KnieFIT course, I show you how to actively do something about your dog’s knee condition. I will help you gently mobilize his hindquarters and especially his knee joints and improve movement patterns. Through regular training sessions of just a few minutes and my easy to implement training concept, you can relieve joint pain and strengthen the muscles.


Your dog suffers from several joint diseases and this makes on your
walks and in everyday life noticeable? His gait is not round, the musculature is
become less and he moves stiff-legged? In my JointFIT course I show you,
How to help your dog with multiple joint conditions. With my light
training concept in regular units of a few minutes, you will mobilize
you improve the joints of your dog and improve his movements. Through a gentle
Whole body workout you can relieve joint pain and strengthen its muscles.

Dog fitness online courses for prevention at all ages and stages of training your dog.


Your dog moves uncoordinated, has poor body awareness and you want to make sure he finally feels safe and comfortable in his body and moves well and healthy? Or do you want to train coordination preventively to avoid possible problems? In my BalanceFIT course, I show you how to intensively improve your dog’s basic fitness, coordination, balance, body awareness and motor skills with regular training sessions of just a few minutes using my easy-to-implement training concept.


Want to give your dog a varied full-body workout and strengthen his basic fitness? In the CavalettiFIT course I show you a training method that is really suitable for every dog. Discover the versatile possibilities of cavaletti training to ensure effective and sustainable training that covers all areas of movement training. With regular training sessions of a few minutes you can improve your dog’s muscles, agility, coordination, motor skills and body awareness in the long term.


In my IsoFIT class, I show you how to properly use isometric training and weight shifts to give your dog a gentle and effective full body workout. Whether your dog has pain with joint movement, has a stiffened joint, has weak muscles, or is older and has limited mobility, this training is suitable for any dog. With regular training sessions of just a few minutes, you can improve your dog’s muscles, coordination, motor skills and body awareness in the long term.

Young dogFIT

In my JunghundFIT course, I show you how you can support your dog’s long-term health already as a young dog owner. You want to train the basic fitness, coordination, balance, body awareness and motor skills of your young dog, but are unsure which exercises are suitable and how to combine them correctly? Don’t worry, I’ll help you. With regular, short training sessions you can train with my easy to implement training concept, his basic fitness, coordination, balance, body awareness and motor skills.


Your dog is healthy and you have experience in dog fitness training? You’re looking for a challenging workout to take your training to the next level. You are aware that strong base fitness and precise movements are the foundation for injury prevention in everyday life and dog sports. In the SportFIT course I show you how to intensively improve the basic fitness, coordination, body awareness and motor skills of your trained dog with regular training sessions and my easy-to-implement training concept.


In my BasicFIT course, I show you how to support your dog’s long-term health with regular training. The goal is to establish good basic fitness and prevent joint disease. Through specific exercises from the dog fitness training, you strengthen his musculoskeletal system sustainably and minimize the risk of injuries in sports and everyday life. In the course I offer you an easy to implement training concept that trains basic fitness, coordination, balance, body awareness and motor skills of your healthy dog.

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This is what dog people who have participated in my courses say

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