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Tag: Muscle building dog

Your dog is losing muscle? – these are possible causes and treatment options

Maybe you have already noticed it in your own dog or you have seen it in other dogs: The dog is poorly muscled in one ...
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Isometric training to reduce stress – mastering stressful situations

Isometric training looks very unspectacular at first glance. However, the effect on the dog is great in every respect. Isometric training is physically and mentally ...
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Weight bandages for dogs in dog fitness training – useful or dangerous?

Weight bandages for dogs, which are used in dog fitness training, are becoming increasingly popular. However, the use of weight bandages in dogs should be ...
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Strengthen the nerve function in dogs – this is how!

When dogs suffer from back disorders, such as a herniated disc, cauda equina compression syndrome, spondylosis, nerve function is often disrupted. The cause here is ...
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Muscle building in neurological diseases – how it works properly – and what is often done wrong!

Herniated discs, Cauda Equina Compression Syndrome, Wobbler Syndrome – these are just a few neurological conditions in dogs. Nowadays, we can not only diagnose them, ...
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HAPPYFIT – active exercise training for your dog’s fitness – incl. Training Plan!

You would like to start active movement training with your dog and are looking for exercises for your dog? With active movement exercises you offer ...
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Muscle building dog: isometric training for hind legs and back

Muscle Building Dog Muscle Building Dog Muscle Building Dog Muscle Building Dog Isometric training is often underestimated by dog owners in exercise therapy and also ...
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Mini workout – 3 simple exercises to keep your dog fit even in the heat

The high temperatures are also very hard on our four-legged friends. The walks are often shorter. But you can still make sure your dog stays ...
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