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Tag: Medicinal plants hip dysplasia

Willow bark for joint pain in dogs: a natural solution for less pain and more mobility

When our dogs suffer from joint or back disease, this is often associated with joint pain. If your dog is affected, you certainly want to ...
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Hüftdysplasie ist eine häufige Gelenkerkrankung, von der unsere Hunde betroffen sind. Erfahre hier alle wichtigen Fakten zum Krankheitsbild.

Hip dysplasia in dogs: all the facts about the condition

This blog article is about a widespread joint disease that affects many dogs: hip dysplasia. This is a disease of the hip joint that ...
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4 medicinal plants for joint pain in dogs: natural support for better mobility and less pain

In the course of their lives, many dogs develop joint diseases such as osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia or spondylosis. It is important that we support and ...
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