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Tag: active movement training dog

How do you find the right fitness exercises for your dog? – this is what you should pay attention to

Again and again I am contacted by dog owners who are looking for fitness exercises for their dog. A wide variety of training tools such ...
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Exercise training for osteoarthritis in dogs – these 3 active exercises promote joint mobility and strengthen the muscles

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common joint diseases in dogs. The joints that bear most of the body’s weight are often affected. These include ...
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Proprioception in dogs – what it means, why it’s so important and how you can train it

Proprioception in dogs – have you ever heard of it? Behind the complicated word proprioception lies the depth sensitivity and self-awareness of the body. In ...
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Cavaletti training for dogs – how it works and what it brings to your dog

Cavaletti training for dogs – it exists? I still get a lot of wide-eyed looks when I tell dog people about cavaletti training and how ...
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Your dog can not sit properly? – What the sitting position says about the musculoskeletal system of your dog

When it comes to the diagnosis of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the gait of the dog is usually looked at. Rarely is there a ...
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Dog fitness – challenge dogs in a healthy way without overtaxing them

Dog fitness training is becoming more and more popular. Not without reason. It’s a great way for dog people to actively do something for their ...
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